I was reading one of the articles and it had something like holding a string with a ring or something small at the end and if you ask it a question, I would move in a direction. And no, the person isn't moving it. I tried it and it worked! I had a ghost that told me a couple of things. I knew he was good and I asked him if he would come into my dream and tell me things. Of course, being me, I don't remember the dream but I know it's in my subconscious. About the 2nd time I did it, I was able to talk to my spirit guide. I know she was a she because I've heard her talk to me once. She takes the form of the hawk and I seen her a lot in my childhood and I still see her. I know she's watching out for me.
I tried to do telekinesis and I was able to move the pendulum. I could make it go back and forth, side-to-side and in circles. Just today when I was coming home, I was listening to my brother and his friend's conversation and I heard a voice that sounded just like is friend say what's the beta testing (for a game). His voice sounded far-off (plus I had my ipod on) and a few seconds after that he said the same exact thing. I think I read his mind. Something very new to me.
My spirit guide also told me that I have the ability to heal with water. I haven't tried that but she also said that I'm the only one that can do it. Someone in the past was able to do it but now, I'm the only one. I'm not sure if that's absolutely true. I'm able to see auras. I have two friends who have green auras, my brother's aura is red, mine is a soft blue, and one of my teacher's aura is orange.
I've also asked if I had abilities that were with the elements and I did. I was germinating a green bean and the rest of the green beans we put into the dirt in our backyard. They died recently but the one I had been taken care of personally is still growing and alive. My spirit guide confirmed that I had almost all of the psychic abilities. I also have the golden tarot deck. It's a beautiful deck to me. Once when I gave my parents a reading, they both got the death card. And recently, my step-dad's dad passed away. A month or three after that, I gave my step-dad a past present future reading and in the present had the death card again. And I believe it was to the passing of his father.