To start off, ever since I was little, I remember feeling different but nothing major ever really happened to me. It wasn't until I was 15 that I would have these dreams, only they didn't feel like dreams. In these "dreams" I would be unable to move and different spirits would come and attack me. I've never experienced any nice spirits that were just curious. Most of them want to hurt me. Just recently I started seeing them, which freaks me out a lot because I'm just used to them coming to me in my sleep.
One spirit was a man who had a disgusted look on his face when he saw me. I'm not sure, but I think he made me sick. Another spirit I saw was when I was in New Orleans. I saw a slave boy. He looked at me and then he looked at a picture of his master, then looked back at me. I blinked and the next thing I know he was gone. When I saw him it was like I was in another place and everyone around me was still there but they weren't really there (its kind of hard to explain).
Then there are other times I just see people walking by in the corner of my eye. I also can feel how people really feel when they talk to me or just by them being around. Sometimes it's overwhelming, especially when it's someone I know and they are feeling bad. When people pass me, I already know what kind of person they are, and I'm rarely wrong. I think I may have psychic abilities, very little, because I always have the feeling of deja vu. Some times I have dreams that come true and once I had a dream that was in the past. It was about some ruler like in Greece who killed his sons and any one who could take his throne. Sometimes I would just think of a person and the next thing I know the phone rings. Or some times I would look at my phone and I will get and text.
I think me and my best friend are connected in some kind of weird way. Because we both have the same abilities and we have the same childhood. Plus anything that happens to me happens to her and vise versa. I am 18 years old and I just want to understand what going with me. I know I'm not crazy, is what I have a gift from God?
To:lilmissgigi96 😁. And its not that east to do at all. I get tired a lot it takes a lot out of me.