My name is Randy. I am 16 years old and the only son to my dad's family. Ever since I was about 6 or 7 years old, I have had almost an obsession for the paranormal. I have the ability to see a person's aura. Mostly, the aura sort of looks like shells around the body. I can see some of the aura's colors but not everyone's. I don't remember when I first was able to see someone's aura. I do know that I was in a car wreck and nearly broke the windshield with my head, and ever since I have had migraines. I don't know if this has any connection.
My family does have a history of paranormal activity. My grandfather, who fought in Vietnam, was attacked by some kind of animal in the jungle. No one saw it. All anyone remembered seeing was a shadow move from the trees and split attacked him. When he came back, he had my mom and all but one of her siblings. His wife had cheated on him when he was at war and had my aunt Michelle. The strange part is that all of his actual children and their children all have some kind of psychic ability.
My Great Uncle says that he was abducted by aliens. He remembers going out for a night jog up in the panhandle of Texas. He says that he saw a flash of white light and then he remembers nothing. After he saw that white light, there is a blank spot in his memory. However, he remembers looking down at his watch before and after he saw the light and saw that 15 minutes had passed.
Anyone who thinks that these things might have given my generation of my family our "abilities" feel free to comment or e-mail me at turtle050293 - at-