This all started out last Monday Night. I have swim practice every morning and I was really tired and I really didn't want to go. I figured if it poured/thunderstorm then I wouldn't have to go. I tried to make it happen by concentrating very hard on the center of my forehead and screaming (in my mind) "Pour, Rain". I forgot the storm part, but it was midnight so it wasn't exactly registering.
The next morning I woke up and I had swim practice. When I walked outside I could see that there had been a very short, very fast, and very unstable downpour last night. The rain fits the exact description of my mindset that night. Feeling pretty proud of myself, I went to practice and nothing more happened until Tuesday night (The same day) when I had a swim meet.
When I got to the swim meet I wrote down my 4 events which were in the following order: 17- 50 free, 35- 50 breast, 47- 50 back, and 63- 100 free. The (17-) and such are the event number, because events are grouped like that. I enjoy swimming all of that except the '100 free. When the time came to swim the 100 free (about 5 events before) I started to get a bit anxious because I don't really want to swim this and it's my worst event. So I'm going up to the seating area and all of the sudden "Boom!" and we hear thunder, followed up by a different strike of lightning a few seconds later. The meet was cancelled, and I didn't have to swim my 100 free.
The thing is neither of those weather forecasts were predicted, and my mom and my grandma were even talking about how strange it was for the thunderstorm to happen.
After these two experiences I realized that they weren't the first. At a different meet earlier on in the season I had the 100 free to swim and lightning was spotted as I was on the block, about the swim it. I didn't have to swim the 100 free after all.
Also a little less than a year ago I was playing with one of my 8 sided dies (I collect 8 sided dice) and just said in my mind "The next thunder storm will be how many days from now?" I rolled and got a 4. Four days later a thunderstorm hit us, the first time in months.
Two days ago I was sitting outside while it was raining lightly (a break in another storm) and I was very sad/angry/hopeless because I had picked up about 5 other people's emotions (I'm an Empath also) and my friend had said something on the phone to her friend that was directed as a negative comment towards me (she didn't realize I was listening). I was crying and I was so furious that the light rain turned into short downpours and the wind blew harder at the tree that I was staring at and lightning struck the air. I soon got over this anger and sadness and went back inside, soaked. The rain became lighter as my emotions became lighter.
Yesterday it stormed (again, it rains all the time where I live always has). My family just moved into a new house (same town, just different house) and so we were unpacking boxes. I had put some dolls of mine (they used to be my mom's favorite dolls) in the Goodwill box because I didn't want them anymore and I didn't think my mom would, either. She did, and she was very unhappy about it and was mad/sad. I, being the empath, picked up her emotions and then it started to pour. When she left my room my emotions returned to normal, and the rain ceased.
That's all of my experiences with this topic, but my questions are:
Why now? All those experiences are over a week's time and the other one that happened a year ago was half preg. It seems strange to me.
How do I control this/get better at it? I mean should I just try to make it pour all the time? It seems to me I have to be mad/sad to make it happen and I don't really like being either.
Also I'm not sure if the sky actually clears up after my emotions return to normal. Then again, the sky is always gray here. Well that's about it, and I'd appreciate a word of advice on this and if this happens to anyone else.