Lately, I have been experiencing some of the emotions and pain my girlfriend experiences. She is the most important person to me, and I love her immensely, more so than anyone in my life.
Sometimes, I'll feel random depression and worry (they always go together.), or elation. I've asked my girlfriend how she felt when I have the worry and depression, and she tells me she's upset or just unhappy. And as she gets happier, the feeling disappears. When I feel the sense of elation, her answer is that she's happy, or generally on the more positive end of the emotional spectrum.
On a separate example, the other day I was out of town, and I became unconditionally sick (stomach-wise.) in the day with no explanation. I asked my girlfriend how she had felt, because I had the nagging feeling of worry that something was wrong with her. She told me she was feeling very sick. And later in the day, my sick feeling intensified and the worry was slightly stronger. I asked her how she felt and she told me she almost vomited. Eventually later in the day I felt normal again, I asked her how she felt and she said that she felt better.
A similar thing happened a year ago when I was in a serious relationship. My ex-girlfriend would randomly text me when I felt very depressed and tell me she knew something was wrong, same for when I felt sick, was very happy, or was in pain. I, however, did not have this ability to tell how she was feeling as she did with me.
I'm not sure if the part about my ex has anything to do with my ability now, but I thought it was worth mentioning.
Can someone give me a reason for this (if there even is one.). Does anyone else experience something similar with people they have a strong attachment with?