This is the first time I'm going to tell these stories, maybe someone can help me. I was 8 years old and woke up to my mother and father on the phone with the police, someone broke into our house and I was sleeping on the couch. The police came and was asking my parents if anything was missing, my mothers purse, where it was, etc. There was a brown glove, I touched it and had a vision of riding on a bus in a town, I started saying a name and where the person was from, then the officer asked me if I knew where he was at and I told them, I went to a vision in his eyes. He was caught.
Second, a lot of houses around my town and the area have had deaths in them. We would go just to be kids and it started again, I could see through my friend's eyes, and I could sense a presence. If you still don't believe me, I caught my wife cheating on me when she left and I seen everything, and I went to the address I saw, and just a lot of stuff and I'm really getting worried due to all the other stuff that has happen.
If I have some kind of ability, I know now that I can't get rid of it, so I would like to find out how to control it. I'm only sharing a couple of encounter I have had right now. So this is like me coming out of a closet. Thanks.