I'm Alex. I'm an Empath, a lucid dreamer and a beginning medium. I'm turning 17 in a few days and I'm a girl.
Just so you can get a better picture.
About a month ago was when I moved into my current home. Right around that time I was beginning to wonder about my psychic abilities, and whether I had any. I've had quite a few run-in's with ghosts in my old home and in my dreams. So when I moved into this house I made sure I was very aware that I didn't know the houses history, and whether there were any spirits still living in the home. And until last night, I believed it to be just me and my spirit guide (s).
First let me explain that I am very new to meditation and strengthening my abilities. I'm trying to learn new things everyday to help me, and I have a notebook dedicated to dreams I've had, information I've found and experiences I want to write down. I have also yet to "meet" my spirit guide (s). I believe my spirit guide is a woman, but last night made me wonder if maybe I had another spirit guide or maybe it wasn't a woman after all.
The reason I believed it was a woman was just a feeling I had. But it was a strong feeling, not just something my imagination created. When I felt my spirit guide when I meditated I felt almost a maternal protection, and to me it just felt strong and feminine (and still does). Also, once when I was meditating, a picture appeared, almost like it was in front of me but my eyes were closed. They were two brilliantly blue eyes. I opened my eyes and closed them once more and I saw them again. I had been trying to contact my spirit guide when that happened.
But last night weird things began to happen. I felt this bad presence looming in the air, watching me. I still feel it as I type this. Something different. Something that hasn't been here. I felt vulnerable to it all last night. I made sure to imagine myself with a white light around me and repeated the Lord's Prayer and a Serenity Prayer several times, out loud. But when in my room, I felt even more vulnerable. I decided to be brave because fear is what feeds these things. I went in and told the presence that negative entities and demons were not allowed in my home (because I've heard that unless invited they can't come into your home). But I felt even worse, more scared. So I called out for my spirit guide, trying to be brave. I asked him/her to protect me. I asked out loud whether they were with me and I heard a "I am here." but I didn't hear it out loud. I heard it in my head. It was clearly a woman's voice. And it made me feel better but I still left the room and slept someplace else.
When I was almost asleep on my couch, eyes closed, I began to hear a sort of flute like instrument being played. And at first I thought it was this rattly vent we have in that part of the house but it continued to play. The next thought that came to mind came with a picture. I didn't think of it, it just came to me.
Indian flute of some kind. And I saw an old Native American man sitting on the ground, green rolling hills behind him and a robin blue sky, playing the instrument.
I don't know whether the Native American man was a ghost, or maybe a second spirit guide, but I need some answers. I'm not sure what my questions are. I'm just hoping that somebody can explain the situation to me, and help me get over this looming, dark feeling I'm still getting when I'm in my room (and only my room).
Help would be much appreciated!
Best hopes,