I would like to share some of the story about my son. I could probably write a book, but I will try to keep it short and sweet.
I have 3 boys of my own, but the one that is the focus of my short story is different than any child I have ever encountered. My other 2 boys are pretty "regular".
My 5 year-old, well, he said his first word at 6 months of age and was talking complete sentences before his first birthday. He was "different" in many ways. One, you could actually reason with him when he was just a little baby, better than you can reason with a 5 or 6 year old. Never had tantrums, terrible twos, etc. I didn't have to baby-proof the house. He didn't get into anything that wasn't okay for him without even being told.
When he was 15 or 16 months old, he began speaking of what I believe to be a past life. He told me that he missed the mommy he had before me. He called her "mommy with the red hair". He said he was the oldest boy and had to care for many babies. He said that a flood came and the mommy wasn't home, he ran into a closet with the babies, shutting the door behind him to keep the water from getting in. His idea didn't work, water was pouring in, babies were crying and that is all he remembers. Then I became his new mommy.
When he was 20 months old he saw a photo of Hitler in the book store. He stopped, stared, wrinkled his nose and said "That is a very bad man - he hurt many people". I asked him how he knew that bit of information and he said "everyone knows Hitler is a bad man". I NEVER uttered anything about Hitler to my son and he was not in daycare so I can't imagine where that could have come from other than a memory from his past. His long, long past.
When he would see old movies for the first time he would tell me he remembered it for a long time ago. When he was watching movies with his "mommy with the red hair"
Moving on to what is going on with him now. My sister died several days before his 5th birthday. One day after her funeral he asks me while driving in the car "Mommy, how come I can still hear my aunt speaking to me if she is dead?" I asked him how he knew it was her and he said "Well, nobody has a voice like hers, so it has to be her." I asked what she was saying. And he proceeded on relaying info to me that was true and accurate but there was no way he knew. Some of the things I didn't even know about, but when I spoke to some others I found out they were true. The she told him "I cannot talk anymore" and "I am going now" and that was the end of that. He has not "heard" from her since.
In the past few weeks he has been having odd symbolic-type nightmares that I am scared might be of a psychic nature. He also had what he called a "strong thought that seemed real" while he wasn't sleeping. He described (in detail that made sense) a fire spreading through our home. Where it started, how it spread, where everyone was and that daddy couldn't get to my 2 youngest boys because the flames were against daddy's bedroom door. He said only me, daddy and my oldest son were alive after-wards.
After that "Strong thought" he had, he asked me to unplug pretty much everything in the house. He is particularly concerned with computers. He wants them all off at the power strip unless they are being used. He wanted me to relocate the fire extinguisher upstairs. I complied pretty well, but last weekend (when the rest of us were not home) my husbanded reported a burning smell coming from his power strip and said it felt WAY too hot, so he threw it away and bought a new one. Hmmm...
I won't get into the recent dreams he had too much since the "rules for posting" said not to discuss dreams. All I will say is they scare me and I feel they contain strong symbolic messages.
The last 2 nights my back door has swung open between 1am-6am (on 3 separate times) all on its own even though it was most certainly locked. My son seems very concerned about it. So now, in light of recent events over the last few weeks, this is all scaring me. I am so afraid he is picking up on something very negative that is happening or will happen. I don't want to question him and scare him worse than he is already scaring himself. So, I am thinking of a way to figure out what it is and what I can do to help. I don't know what the deal is with the door opening, but I don't like it. It has a deadbolt!
Honestly, I am super scared that someone is going to die. I cannot express that to him though. He is very sensitive and he is still upset about the loss of his aunt. Or, maybe the loss of his aunt is making him have the dreams, fears of death, etc. I just don't know, but there is still the door thing, and reoccurring dreams that are symbolic of death? He wouldn't even know that those dreams would mean that.
So, in conclusion - has anyone here had a similar experience with a child or as a child? If so, how did you deal with it in a way that worked out well? I don't want to take my boy to therapy of any sort because I am scared they will say he is crazy because he "hears voices". And yes, my sister isn't the only voice he has heard. He has been hearing voices since around his 3rd birthday. Stuff like, we were looking at some hieroglyphics and he told me a voice "popped in his head" and told him the meaning but it didn't help him understand much since half the words he didn't recognize. Then he wanted me to put my ear against his ear and listen because maybe I would understand the words:) He couldn't figure out why I couldn't hear it in my had too. I told him some people just can't hear stuff like that and others can.
Thank you!
I don't have a psychic bone in my body or any other abilities, however I know my son does (he is 10 now, but experiences go back to infancy). I am looking for ways I can encourage and help him develop and hone his gifts. He has never been scared or felt threatened by his experiences. I also would like to find out a way to connect him with other kids his age having the same experiences.
I don't want to detract from the original post so in a nut shell I know he sees ghosts, or sometimes he just senses them but can't see them (he tells me my dead father is riding in the car with us, today he said his dad from his past life was in the classroom with him-sensed him) he hears them (although he says he can't understand them-they talk too fast and they have squeaky voices), he talks about his dad from a past life (he comes and sits on his bed at night and reads to him-I think this is in his dreams because he says he is asleep), he has told me things were going to happen and they have (car accidents, tornadoes), he reads my mind all the time-I cannot surprise him! One day he told me that while he was still in me to told me what to name him (I had never heard his name before/am not religous AT ALL and the name just popped into my head one morning. There are so many more (after 911 we had a "man" in our dining room for three days-I believe he was seeing a victim who had or was dying).
I have always encouraged him to talk about what he is experiencing and have always suppored him. He usually blurts things out of the blue and will talk at great length, but then he doesn't say anything for months.
Other than being there for him and supporting him, what can I do; or how can I connect him with others his own age that also have these amazing abilities? (he has reading/writing disabilities so email/chat rooms will be more challenging.
Thank you for any direction you can steer me in.
Susan (on behalf of Elijah-10)