I'm 18, a reasonably bright girl and haven't ever really been interested in the paranormal until recently. Okay so I'll get right down to the important details. All the examples have happened throughout my life, some of which have happened more so in my early teens.
Sometimes I catch a glimpse of something that may have happened in the past, or might happen in future. In the corner of my eye just out of my immediate vision (This is extremely hard to explain because all I can see is colorless flashes that lack detail like a persons facial features although, for some reason I am certain on some details like if its a boy or a girl, and sometimes age and dates)
Like once I was walking alone in the early evening and I 'saw' somebody leaping from the top story window wearing a night dress, It was like they were crouching on the windowsill, then fell with the arms outstretched, leaping out of the top window of a house across my street; and in a split second it was gone.
This was the first time it ever happened to me and I was scared because I saw certain what I had seen wasn't just my imagination. I remember this one because it was scary and very vivid because I could actually feel how terrified the person was. This was over 9 or more months ago.
Yesterday, The very same house caught fire during the night, and the family had leapt out of the top story window to escape the flames. Although that's the most vivid experience and possibly the most important one I have had, and has since made me consider to question my thoughts and visions more.
I once had a vision about a barn dog from a stable near me and dying because it got hit by a car along a road I frequently walk down to catch the bus to work. It was only a few weeks ago that I found pictures of the dog on missing posters around my town.
I also nearly always have feelings of De ja vu. I am always remembering dreams about a certain place or situation and knowing that I've been there before, even though I am certain I haven't been there before physically.
I have had smaller number coincidences Have had certain voice that tells me when a stranger is seriously ill, or is going to become sick. I work in customer service so I see strangers and talk with them every single day.
I know when one of my fellow colleagues will ring up and take a sick day when they are ill. I also have had moments when I feel like they do- If they have a bad cold coming on, I will briefly feel like I can't breathe properly around them- Or if they have a migraine, I have a pain in my head too. This used to happen to me all the time when I was at school.
Once, I had a 'voice' (I REALLY hate calling it a voice because it isn't really a voice as such. Its more like a feeling, Or just KNOWING something instantly without having a reason as to why I know) I heard it say that a complete stranger was certain to be pregnant even though she didn't look pregnant, and she later told me her good news.
This also happened when my mother was pregnant with my little sister, when I was 10. I knew she was pregnant straight away and I stopped her sentence when she was about to tell me I was having a baby sister or brother. I said "You're pregnant aren't you!" It just feels like instinct- I just KNOW.
And then, there's some things that seem really trivial and normal- Like I suddenly know if I'm going to have any post today or not- Things that don't really effect anybody or myself greatly- but I just know.
I can't predict anything on demand, and on average it seems to be random people I don't know. How can I channel and use my abilities effectively?
Until then they will use whatever other methods they can in which to communicate with you (Inner Thoughts, Tarot, Rune, Meditating, Radio, Signs, etc).
Remember not to pressure your Guides with being able to communicate better with you. They want this as much as you do and it is a two way street. You try more on your end, and they will try more on their end. Teamwork.
For more tips click on my profile name.
Oracle, Psychic Medium for 42 years