I didn't really realize this knack of knowing until after my grandfather died. I had went out with a good friend of mine. We were on our way home, when I turned to her and said that I needed to go see my pawpaw soon, because he was going to die. She said that I looked totally different, I didn't look like myself and when I had finished, I returned to normal. That was six months before he died. I didn't get to see him, but my dad did. He waited until the last of his children came to see him. He died within two hours of the last one's visit. The same year, my aunt went into the hospital, I helped talk my dad into going to see her. She was in the hospital for the tumors in her brain. The meds they had her on was helping, but we found out after my dad went and visited that they were causing her to hemorrhage in her stomach. She bled out and died.
The year before that, my husband's grandfather was having open heart surgery, my husband was upset and thinking that his grandfather wasn't going to make it. I told him that his grandfather was going to be fine. But in the back of my mind I knew someone else in his family wasn't. I wasn't concentrating hard enough to focus on who it was at the time. I was trying to consol my husband. His aunt died the next morning in her sleep at the hospital, where they had stayed in a room set up by the hospital for the grandmother and aunt. I felt that she had switched places with her dad that morning. I knew the that my aunt had died, I dreamed that one. I went to their house, and she was sitting on the couch. I asked her where were all of the rest of the family. She said, "They're in there, sha." And she pointed toward the back of the house, I went to the back of the house and they were there, dressed in black, taking communion, lighting candles, and kneeling in front of a cross. I asked what where they doing, and they told me that she had died and they were mourning for her. It ended there. About two days later, I told my dad about it and he called down there. Sure enough, she had died about a month before.
I knew the instant that my grandmother had died. I was at home cooking supper and all of a sudden, a wave of nausea came over me. I felt as if I was cut into. I told my husband to come over and finish cooking, I had to go and sit down. I told him that something wasn't right. It passed as fast as it started. I told him that I was okay and finished cooking. About 30 minutes later, my mom come over and told us that my grandmother had died exactly 30-35 minutes ago. I looked at my husband and he said that he thinks that I had already knew that, because of what happened. And I tell my mom the whole story.
Now when it comes to friends, I have noticed that I hear death bells. And one time I heard them about one week before my dad died. Of which I knew that he was going to die 7 months before he did die. I came in from the hospital, and looked at my husband and told him that they were killing him. I knew it then and there was nothing I could do, because it was already set into motion. I knew when I left my uncle at the nursing home that that would be the last time I would see him alive. I didn't want to leave the nursing home, even though we were going back there in the morning. We lived 1 hour and 15 minutes away from the nursing home. We had stopped by the store before going to get my son and they had called letting me know that he had just died.
But I go on, I know that this is my gift and have learned to live with it. I know that when I hear the death bells, that someone is going to die. I may not be clear on who it is, but I know that it will be someone close. And I know that certain relatives affect you differently as they are leaving this existence.
Thanks for reading my stories, I do appreciate the comments.