I never really believed in this psychic stuff, but lately I have had some experiences that make me wonder. I seem to know things without learning them.
For instance, I work with clothes at my job, and the other day I was putting stickers on tags when the thought, "you won't need the last one," just popped into my head. Sure enough, I had an extra that I did not need. Another time, I was doing math homework on the computer over this new subject that required a special math symbol. I had never done this kind of math before, and never on a computer, but when I went to type the symbol I unthinkingly used a shortcut I had never learned.
"Unthinkingly" is the key here though, because when I tried to think about what I had just typed or how I had known that, the information left me. In don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth, but the fact that I can't steer the information is kind of infuriating. For example, in a trivia game I was very bored with I got every question correct, even though I shouldn't have known some of the answers. However, in an exam I was concentrating really hard on, I had no such good fortune.
Sometimes, I feel like this information doesn't belong to me. Like someone or something gives me a little help from time to time, but doesn't want me to rely on it. Does anyone have any insight on this, or have any similar experiences? I would really love to know how to channel or cement whatever this is so that I could actually think about how I know all these things.