I have many things in common with most of you. I have been reading the articles for some time now, but have failed to submit anything for a lack of conformation. It seems as if I find it hard to let myself believe the things that happen to me. I know that they are real, but I'm pretty good at convincing myself otherwise.
Anyway, I had an experience and I would greatly appreciate any opinions on it because I am clueless, but also very interested. I was staying at my mom's house for a brief period. I awoke one night very thirsty so I traveled to the other end of the house to get a drink. I was very out of it. As I was passing through the kitchen I saw something in the corner of my eye. I looked and saw what appeared to be a silhouette of a man. He was tall, completely hairless, and a beautiful blue light was emanating from under his skin. Only his torso was visible. I remember him having this curious, watchful look on his face. I don't think I have ever had someone look at me quite like that. I proceeded to the fridge where I downed a whole 12 ounce coke to wake me up.
I shook my head as if to wake myself up and when I felt confident I started back to my room. On my way back I glanced over just to confirm that I was hallucinating, but he was still there. I walked slowly, not losing his gaze. As I walked, his head turned. After about 10 feet of walking I ran like a crazed person. Lol. It's funny now.
My mother is gifted. That's where I get it from. She sees ghosts regularly in her house; four actually. When I told her what I saw, she had never seen what I had. Most things I tell her, she's dealt with before. But this is different.
I've read that many of you have seen silhouettes before, but I couldn't find anything that was more similar to my event. If you have any questions, let me know. I really want to understand all this.
Does anyone know what this might mean?