I'm Christopher I am a 13 year old psychic. When I turned about seven, I realized weird stuff was happening to me, I would have dreams and daydreams about stuff. And they would come true I wasn't scared but confused,
I started talking to my mom about it and she told me she could do the same. At first I thought she was messing with me because she thought I making it up. A week later I had a premonition about my mom having to go the hospital. I told her about it and I said I wasn't making it up. She said she knows I wasn't. I asked her how? Though she said she could do the same, then I started to believe her she said she said I inherited it from her like she did my grandmother she explained everything to me about premonitions.
So then a year went by and I lost my abilities, I didn't tell my mom because I thought she wouldn't worry. But when I turned 9 years old I started to get them back but when I had my premonitions it was in my dreams,
I would just freak out! So I told my mom I had a premonition she said what about? I told that it was a dream from spirits; the ocean calm, a full moon, a star, a dock and an anchor. She told me it was a good premonition as it meant I m really calm. A year later I turned 10 years old. I started to feel and read other people's personalities. I didn't understand them at first. I got the hang of it from my aunt Misty. She told me that she is like me and she can read others auras so I knew I wasn't alone. As I started to practice my powers on others, I had spirits call out to me even though I could not make contact with them
I wanted to but I couldn't but when I turned 13 years of age my powers were stronger than ever. I could see spirit's auras but I could not see them. But it doesn't bother me any. But two nights ago I saw a light around me and I realized it was one of my guardian angels. I was most amazed because I've always wanted to see my guardian angel, but since then I m still learning. And if anyone could help me out or give me some advice it would be most helpful.
But still can anyone e-mail me on how to strengthen my ablities? My e-mail is on my profile ❤ 😁