I'm Loryn. I have a few other posts if you want some background info on me and my powers before you read this. Well, as I have said before, my "powers" are still in the making, so to speak. But here is something that happened to me just this weekend.
My cousin Scarlett was down for the four-day weekend. We are a year apart and have always been close, even after she moved up north. Well she has known about my powers since I found out myself. I trust her completely. She is my best friend. Well, we wanted to see if I could meditate and/or communicate. I told her I would try but told her not to get her hopes up. I then asked her to relax and think positively. I asked God to protect us. I then said we wished to communicate with a spirit if they did not wish to harm us. I then said we did not wish to harm them. I said we were simply there to help them if they needed it.
I spent a few minutes concentrating on positive energy. Suddenly, I saw the name Arabella. It was strange. I have never met or heard of anyone with that name. I then thanked God for keeping us in his grace and said amen. When I told Scarlett about the name she had never heard it either. We kind of brushed it off and didn't look into it. Does anyone know what this means? We are curious and would like to know. Thanks.
Ps: we were at our grandparent's house if that helps.