Lately I have been having lots of OBE at night, which I guess you really can't classify as fully OBE since I would panic each time. Usually, I can't move and I hear cracking noises. I can feel my body on the bed but I feel like I am in a mummy's coffin or something. Really would freak me out and I would fight it. Well, one of my friends told me not to fight it that it was most likely my guide trying to contact me.
One night, I stayed up later then usually putting together a puzzle so I was extremely exhausted, as soon as my head hit the pillow I felt like my body was drifting down. The only way I can describe this whole experiences is by thinking of a body of water. I am slowly drifting down... yet I can feel my body laying in my bed. And I know I am sleeping. I heard a voice say "Stay with me" and this women kept repeating it over and over again. Also, I should mention I do not see anything, it is pitch black as I am drifting down. When I finally stop... it is still black and I say "Who are you", however my mouth didn't move. It came out through my head but crispy clear and I remember thinking how strange.
The lady told me she was "Amy's mom" which I panicked since I knew at that moment that she is dead. So I started to panic and started to raise up... Like I was swimming to the surface and I would wake up. Only to close my eyes and I would start to be pulled down again. I would fight it and wake up but I kept getting pulled back. I couldn't keep my eyes open I was so tired. I started to pray, I honestly felt that this wasn't a good thing since I wanted to stop it and it wouldn't stop.
I guess I am trying to figure out what this means to me. I still occasionally get the lucid dreams which I like... And the OBE which I still fight, since I have the thought of being possessed in the back of my mind. I have waken up to horrible feelings of someone being in my room. And I often get the feeling of someone watching me. It all happens at night. Well, until recently, but that is another post some other time. It stinks because when I finally get the courage and prepare myself I can never predict the night I am going to have this experience. I even started a journal to make the days, but there is not pattern with the moon or planets or anything.
If I am gaining some type of psychic ability, how am I to grow it if I don't know what it is nor when it will happen.