I actually am writing because this story is nowhere near over. I have been recently contacted by an old classmate that died a couple years after we graduated (in a car accident). He died about 9/10 years ago. This is someone I went to school with my entire life, but was never romantically involved with.
At first, the contact was minimal and only through the Ouija board. One of the first experiences that happened occurred when I was experiencing problems with my husband and was very sad. He came through on the board and then I began to laugh uncontrollably. I had no idea why I was laughing yet it felt so good, a deep belly laugh, tears down my face. It was like I was being tickled from the inside out. He said that he did it to make me feel better.
Now, I hear him in my mind and communicate with him often. I wonder if I am making it up and don't think that thought has not entered my mind everyday, but it feels so real. He means me no harm and actually professes his love for me. It sounds so crazy to write that down, but that's not the icing on the cake, I actually like it. I talk w/him through writing as well as the board. He has actually spoken to me where I can hear him aloud. He is strong enough for me to feel slight touches. He interrupts my own thoughts with his and projects images of he and I dancing, etc., into my mind. None of this is perverted or sexual in nature, but definitely romantic. He blinks my lights as well.
He is so sad and feels he was jipped out of life. I feel like he wants to feel love before he crosses. He has not crossed completely over yet and I don't know how to help him (and myself) at this point. If anyone out there has any valid and helpful insight, PLEASE, contact me! Pensacolarainbow - at - yahoo.com, thanks.