To begin with, my name is Bryan and I'm new to this whole 'psychic' ordeal. I'm 18 years old, and am starting to realize some things I've said in the past.
Most recent - most accurate:
On the nights of Monday, September 29, and Thursday, October 2, 2008 I had a dream, or warning perhaps. This dream consisted of myself and a friend (named Stephanie) driving home late at night. As we were driving home a deer ran out in front of us and I went to swerve to miss it, but still hit it. After hitting it, I look over at Stephanie, to see that her air bag didn't go off. Her head was against the dashboard, and I noticed she had on a BHS Baseball shirt. As we sat trapped in the car, in the middle of the road, a Ford - SUV didn't see us and just before he hit us, I woke up.
I told Stephanie about the dream both times I had it, and we laughed about it together. But then she needed a ride home one night from a 'Spookhouse' we both volunteer at. It was around 4:00 am, and I told her I'd give her a ride home. So she gathered her things and then put on this BHS Baseball shirt. I told her that that's the shirt she was wearing in the dream, and we laughed some more. While approaching my car, I decided to check my tires before pulling out. My mom had mentioned the night before that one had looked low. After seeing that it was fine, we began our journey home. Since I took the time to do that, another friend (named George), pulled out just before we did.
As we approached the spot I remember the car accident happening at, I told her "Just ahead is where we hit the deer". Not even 20 feet up the road from there, we found our friend George had hit a deer. George's airbags went off, but didn't come out of the dashboard, such as the passenger airbag in my car - in my dream. (Note: In my dream - I don't recall seeing if my airbag went off or not)
If I hadn't checked my tire, I would have pulled out before George did, and I would have possibly hit the dear. George drives a Ford SUV. Since George would have been following us instead, he could have possibly been the SUV to hit us while sitting in the road in my car.
Stephanie and I both believe in the paranormal, and always have. The spookhouse we work in is haunted, and have both experienced things with 'ghosts' in the past there.
Since this even has happened, she suggested that I was psychic. I told her that this, and two other times that I can recall in my lifetime, is the only times something like this has happened to me.
-The story above being the most extreme one-
So I ruled out the idea. She then went on to explain that how many times I've told her something, then it coming true. (Such as her boyfriend breaking up with her - or this restaurant taking food back because it was the wrong order. Simple things)
One other event:
I and about 6 other people were doing Ouija board at the spookhouse. We were talking to a woman that gave us her full name. As soon as we started talking to her, I got this distinct image in my head of what she looked like. I went home and did some research to find a woman about 4 hours away from here was murdered, and looked identical to what I had imagined.
Deja vu:
I had one other dream that a student said something to me, and just after he did the teacher stood up and said something else to the class.
The following day, the student turned toward me and said exactly what he did in the dream. I then looked at him and said what I thought he teacher was going to say next. Not even 5 seconds after I was finished, she said what I had predicted.
All of these events have taken place within this past year.
So the question lies, is I psychic or is this just coincidence?
If I'm psychic, how can I improve my abilities to where I'll have these 'premonitions' more?
Post here or email me at bmg935 - at -