My question is that is whether I'm experiencing a coincidence or signs that I am psychic, I am not sure.
Every 10 days or so I will have a dream about something happening in real life, about 90% of the time about 3-6 months later that dream will come true, also I am a telepath and can read minds. 2 of my 3 brothers can also see ghosts. I am figuring there is some kind of psychic dream running through my family from somewhere.
I began exhibiting "psychic" abilities as young as 7, which is about the same time as both my brothers. Both of which are about double my age. Yet again another sign of a psychic gene in my opinion. I also can tell when I am near a psychic as I have discovered 2 of my friends are also sensitive to ghosts.
My final question is if I am a psychic, and that there is a psychic gene in my family what should I do. According to the ESP test on this site I got a 71. I shrugged it off as a coincidence but then I began to think as I did about 5 different tests for that same thing later that day and they all read out a rather high ESP reading.
Now I wish to get an answer from other psychics if I am really a psychic or just mere coincidences, for I am Confuzzled.