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Real Psychic Experiences

4 Spirits 2 Houses


My name is Leah and in my mother's house there is a little boy named Louis who haunts the house. He wants help crossing over but I don't know how to do that. He always follows me around and he is giving me headaches because he goes in a corner and starts whispering. He watches me in my sleep is very creepy. Once I said to leave me alone in a very demanding way. I was sitting at the end of the bed and he pushed me off. I make sure that I am not imagining things and I make sure a fan or the ac isn't blowing and I ask him to move my hair in front of my eyes (to see if there is in fact a spirit) and it goes in front of my eyes! Louis said that he was 8 and died in 1771, supposedly in his sleep.

In my grandmother's house there are 3 spirits. One's name is Emily and she said she is 6. And there is another spirit that is a man who killed her, her father, and mother. The man, mother, and Emily are the spirits. The father crossed over. The man said that he can hurt me even though he is a spirit. One night I was about to walk up stairs the man said and I heard in my head and it wasn't a TV or my imagination don't go up stairs. I said in my mind why will you hurt me he said maybe. He torments Emily and scares me greatly.

I am a psychic medium that I know.

Can someone help please?


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UtterlyConfused (1 stories) (9 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-05)
When you heard her father say that too you, you heard it like you were actually having a conversation with a live person, correct?
bennygone (13 posts)
15 years ago (2009-12-20)
NEVER FORGET PROTECTING YOURSELF, rule #1. I don't care if I sound like a broken record. NEVER FORGET PROTECTING YOURSELF. I had done it, pay a big price when I forgot.
What to do is in "you" go with your instincts.
Do not just follow the method someone else has used just because worked for them, if you don't feel it, it may not work for you.
I am so excited about you, since you are so special, I know things I have tried and worked, I don't want to post them because may be dangerous for others who are not ready to deal with this entities.
I have LOTS OF FAITH that if you want to you can make them flee. You are "SUPER" even though afraid. Hey, give a try to what your guides inspire you to do, you would be amazed. Yes!
bennygone (13 posts)
15 years ago (2009-12-20)
There is never a one formula to fix all.
Treat humans as humas. Exorcism doesn't work on this type.
Evil as evil. You can exorcise but only if you have "fait" not kind of but srong, as strong you are, you have the gift of clearing homes but you need more time, almost getting ready. Do not try to run when you can barely walk. Take it easy. Do not try to make it all on your own. "there are helpers". You are just the "medium" the translator. It works through you, but you need the strongest connection between you and the divine. GEtting there, good luck.
Believe me, it won't be you last "demon". You need to get stronger to deal with their fight back. They will never kill you, instead, they have a part to help in molding you, shaping you, polishing you, it will be painful but necessary. You can do it. There will be times when they will try to stop you but your love to help others will help you to make it through.

😁 😁 😁
Loralia253 (1 stories) (21 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-11)
Bless the place with holy water every time it comes around. Memorize a couple of short verses from the bible and recite them when it comes around. You can also send it away by saying "IN THE NAME OF GOD GO AWAY!"
lrkmedium101 (7 stories) (105 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-28)
hey everyone my mother sister and I moved out of that house now we live in an apartment... But what's not so good is that there is a demon. Help!
Katie (42 stories) (369 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-29)
You need to ignore him if you don't. He will get to you and take advantage of you. Maybe get some Holy water or go church. Psychic can get away all the bad negative energy.

Did you find the history of the ghosts out?
Did you get all the information yourself from your self. I can sometimes look at someone and receive things like loved ones who have passed away and that.
icansee (3 stories) (15 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-12)
I have moved from that old house and since then it has been torn down. Lots of people wonder what they have, it is really up to you who you are. Dont let other people judge you because you have an ability. Parents and lots of other people who won't believe, in my opinion don't have this capacity in their mind. Practicality is what I call it! You took an adventure outside the box because you could, others are too afraid and do not want to be "different". The more entities that you come to be around, the stronger you will get. Dont get me wrong, I am no teacher! But a guy who has experienced lots and maintained a well dignified life with family and friends. A medium you are, but don't let sadness or anger run you!
lrkmedium101 (7 stories) (105 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-09)
its not Irk its Lrk I just use a lower case L...just for future notice and a heads up lol

❤ leah
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-09)
Spirits earthbound here, I'm trying to figure out. I know they exist. I've been pushed and stuff. Being not a patient person sometimes, I've not liked them. On a few "voyages" have seen and touched a few. I guess they are spirits. Not sure who they are really. My hands peeled later so touching might not be the greatest thing. I really tend to be more of a future type person and spirits are more from the past. That might be my problem. It makes sense anyway. Well, I need to go get my work done. I'm resting a little today and enjoy your insights. Thanks for writing.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-09)
sorry Irk. I consider it brainstorming on a subject. It's hard for me to stay in a box. I tend to fly out a little.
Edmund (578 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-09)
lrkmedium101... That's quite a long time to be earthbound. So getting him to cross over is not going to be an easy task. I would say a prayer for him every night... It will surrond him with light and help him to find his way. And be carefull in G-mas house if he could kill and keep the family there he is strong.
lrkmedium101 (7 stories) (105 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-09)
im sorry about this but please don't use comments as a form of communication not involving the stories I write, please TRY NOT TO unless its really imporant
Edmund (578 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-09)
GlendaSC... You only get snippets of past lives its the lesson learned in the here and now that matters the most. But it is quite the fascinating subject!
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-09)
Edmund - I question reincarnation and wonder. The other day the hubby gave me a quiz on the Revolutionary War. I answered most correctly. A couple, and he reads about it, he looked at me funny and asked how I knew. They popped out of my mouth basically. Perhaps it was past reading that I have forgotten. When I had just turned five, I sat down at a piano and began playing songs from the radio. I then had "lessons" but it almost seemed to me like I forgot then something that I had known. It was odd. It's almost like we're missing big pieces of the puzzle to me.
Edmund (578 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-09)
GlendaSC... Well there is the reincarnation thing so... We probably were! Been here quite a few times. And its nice to have some fun and recharge so to speak!
lrkmedium101 (7 stories) (105 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-09)
thanks all of you that is a lot of help;) ill try to do the best I can thanks again and if you ever find the name of those special psychics, sundermic just tell me
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-09)
Dear Irkmedium - I am not a lot of help here. I don't really like seeing people on the otherside show up here. This feels like my place to me. I'm a little territorial maybe. My children are anyway. I have seen shadows. I ignore them. I was pushed, several times, gently, on a haunted tour once in Scotland. It made me angry honestly. Then I told myself to be nicer. Spirits here are on our playground. That's my personal feeling.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-09)
Hi Edmund! How's it going? You and Mysti feel like old friends, so glad to see you are trying to help others. Tell Mrs. Edmund best regards. I'm not posting experiences right now. With all the posts I've written, I feel like a "know-it-all" in a way. But really, I just type quickly and enjoy others' experiences so I respond. I'm laying low. It happens. And I'm having fun so life is fine. I've had a few odd things lately but they were sweet. Thanks for writing me initally. Your advice was very much appreciated to my newbie posts.
SunderMic (3 stories) (123 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-09)
if you want to help the boy tell him to go to the light and keep saying it.
With this man spirit try and block him with your mind, and to help the girl from this man there are special psychics that can do that but I can't rememeber what they are called. Sorry about that.

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