Something about myself has been troubling me for a while.
When I was very young, I had a disturbing feeling whenever I would go use the spare toilet. I hated using the toilet because of the presence I felt. To this point, it sounds like a haunting, but read on.
One night on the way to the toilet, I braved the idea of going through the hallway without turning the lights on. Reaching the toilet, I turned the light on. That disturbing feeling of someone looming over my shoulder didn't leave even with the light on.
I shook my head and did my best to laugh it off, as much as a 7 or 8 year old could. Raised religiously, I thought I could 'talk down' to the presence saying, 'You're not really there, if you were, I would be able to see you'. I decided to test this presence by telling it to shatter the light above me. To my horror, the light shattered above me. I ran out of there screaming as fast as I could.
Ever since, electrical things that I touch die. Many light bulbs from switches, hair straighteners, 2 GPS, several drives on this computer, my husband's electrical appliances in his car, to name a few. It's not as thought everything dies; obviously, I am using this computer to ask. I know all electrical things see their last spark eventually but I seem to give it that extra 'boost'. My husband was afraid to let me near his electronic appliances for a while.
Is this anything 'psychic' or a possession? Or coincidence?
I also see three gloomy silhouettes that take human form when I am in a half asleep state or in shock. It fills me with dread and horror. I feel as though I'm suffocating when I see them. The last time I saw them was when I had a panic attack because my ex scared me senseless. It was a horrible experience. Is this ability to see them and feel them psychic?
Is there something wrong with me? Am I a bad person?
Could someone please help me out with this?