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Real Psychic Experiences

How I Became A Medium


How I Became a Medium

This is the story about me. It's the story of how I became a medium

My Childhood

My whole life I've been interested in the paranormal. Even as a child I was interested in developing psychic ability. As an adult I studied mysticism as part of my degree in philosophy.

When I was a child I was always afraid of ghosts. I would see things out of the corner of my eye but would dismiss them as my "imagination" or my "eyes playing tricks on me." That sounds silly to me now. Why would my eyes play tricks on me? It doesn't even make sense. But, since I didn't understand the spirit world, those things scared me. Consequently, I spent my whole life pushing it away and convincing myself it wasn't real. I hid under my covers my entire life attempting to hide from the spirits.

The Trumpet

When my twin sister and I were in the fifth grade she wanted to play a musical instrument in the school band. My father had an old trumpet that had belonged to my uncle who had been killed in the Vietnam War. He suggested that my sister play this trumpet.

Once my sister started playing that trumpet we both began having experiences. I remember one day playing in my room alone. When I looked up at my closet door a soldier appeared in the wood grain. This startled and terrified me! During this time of my childhood I would frequently "see things". When I would see something I would look quickly and it would be gone. My sister had vivid dreams of our uncle and would wake up screaming in the night. It got so bad that she would not go to bed at night unless the trumpet was locked up in it's case downstairs by the piano.

My parents were logically minded. So naturally they told me that it was all just my imagination. Nonetheless, these experiences continued. Since I had no understanding of the spirit world I didn't know there is nothing to fear and I was scared. Now of course, I realize that my poor uncle was doing everything he could to let my family know he was OK. He didn't mean to scare my sister and me.


In college as a philosophy major, I found it popular to be an agnostic or atheist. Logic ruled in philosophy in those days and the spirit world is not logical. After all, we belived, if it can't be proven by science then it can't be real. I felt that believing in God and the spirit world was backward and letting faith rather than reason rule your life.

After graduating college I was not sure in what direction I wanted to go. So I went to massage school. That way I had a skill and could have a job. I worked as a self-employed massage therapist for 15 years. It was during this time that I realized I am a medium.

How I Became A Medium

Spirit Appears

I enjoyed a lengthy career as a massage therapist owning my own clinic for most of my career. Many clients came to see the therapists in my clinic and we pride ourselves on our high quality therapeutic massage. My clinic earned the respect of medical professionals across our community and my therapists enjoyed good careers.

Then the spirits made themselves known to me. I started to see flashes of purple light. These lights continued for a year before I knew what they were. I understood some new age concepts of spirit guides and things like that so I assumed the lights were my guides or angels. The lights frequently showed up while I was in session with a massage client. Assuming they were guides I greeted them and thanked them for coming.

After this I periodically started having information drop into my head while I was working with a massage client. I started to suspect the information was coming from spirit but I still did not realize I am a medium.

The First Time

The first time I knew I was having a mediumistic experience I was working on one of my regular clients when I suddenly began having thoughts of her grandmother. The grandmother was making herself known to me and I understood this. Since I trusted this particular client I told her what I was feeling from her grandmother. We were both stunned at the the information and details that I seemed to somehow know about her deceased grandmother. As a massage therapist, I was familiar with energy, qi and other new age concepts. I knew I must be having an experience with mediumship. Where else were all those details coming from? But I thought it was mostly likely a one time event. I was wrong about that.

The Purple Lights

About a year after the purple lights first appeared I realized what they were. I had just walked into my massage room with a new client and was listening to her tell me her symptoms when a very bright purple light flashed right next to her. In that instant I KNEW what the light was. I knew it was a spirit who wanted to talk with her and I knew it was her mother.

I debated on whether to say anything to my client for about two seconds then plunged ahead. The spirit of her mother connected very well with me and the information poured out. Detail after detail came through. The mother came into my body telling her daughter how much she loved her and what a good girl she was. I could feel so strongly her love for her daugher. I sat there hugging my client as we cried together. This mother's love for her daughter filled me as both the mother in spirit and her daughter here healed their relationship.

That session was transforming for both my client and me. She was able to finally heal life-long issues with her mother. And I came out of it knowing I am a medium.

Massage Therapist to Medium

Word must have gotten around in the spirit world because from then on many of my massage clients showed up with spirits. I would insist that I was not going to say anything to my clients in order not to freak them out. But the spirits had other plans. They would flash brighter and brighter purple lights at me to get my attention. The lights would startle me in the middle of the massage so I freaked my clients out anyway. Then I would tell my client who was there and what he or she wanted.

Eventually I became very conflicted as a massage therapist. When spirits would show up I did not always know if it was safe to say anything to my massage client. They were seeing me for massage and not everybody is open to mediumship. Masssage clients also started scheduling massages and asking me who was there for them.

I was growing more and more conflicted. Additionally, my body was starting to give out. After a 15 year career my shoulders hurt all the time. At the same time our state licensing changed and I didn't like the direction it had gone.

So I decided to let my massage license go and pursue a new career as a medium. And that is how I became a medium.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Chloemiguel, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

OliviaMarie (2 stories) (4 posts)
6 years ago (2019-01-09)
Beautiful story and well written. I love that you could trust yourself to open up to your clients like that. I'm the same in that I've always had an interest in the paranormal but never in a million years thought that I'd be having similar experiences with spirit.

I think everyone finds their own way of justifying their experiences to normalize things when they're young. I'm still trying to understand things and wish that I had someone experienced to help me feel more grounded at times.

Thanks for sharing!
Martin (129 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-12-04)
Note: some new photos provided by the author have been published 📷

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