I have grown up seeing spirits. I was 2 when I told my family about a past life in detail. Such as "when I was a boy I docked boats in San Francisco" and proceeded to give details of the city that I had never been to.
It was around 4 years of age that I started being able to predict earthquakes.
It was also around 4 that I predicted and earthquake within the hour and it was extremely accurate. That is when I was slapped by my father who told me to never do it again. From then on the sprits no longer let me see them and it took years to be able to feel an impending earthquake but, with less accuracy. It's devastating to know an earthquake is coming and not know what day or country. Depending on the feeling I can at least tell how severe it will be. I still have a keen sense of people and my surroundings. Like knowing when something is about to happen.
In recent years I have seen glimpses of spirits. Have had quite a few paranormal experiences.
I feel like my senses are coming back and would like to tune in better to hone in on what I already have. I feel so scattered with my abilities.
I would also like opinions on something that has never happened to me before.
Today while driving I passed a car headed in the opposite direction out of a parking lot and the passenger was faceless. I took a double take and it was about the third look she finally had a face. It really has me on edge and I would love some insight to what it all could mean.
I am so happy to have found a place to ask these questions and to hopefully get some help.
Thank you in advance.