Hi there, first time writing a story, just want to say, love the site, now to begin. Through my life I have studied supernatural things, psychic powers, even sensed a couple of ghosts, even if they try something on me they do not dare, when I sense them my body gives them a message basically saying "you might think I don't know what you are but I do" with that, instantly the spirit or spirits flee.
I am developing not psychic abilities for my family has not inherited ability in our blood line, I can sense energy levels off plants and people, I can, when I focus, know and sense if they will strike or ask a question, I can see the aura of the moon when it is full and shining, I can manipulate my energy at a small level able to almost sense anything. I do not believe in god because it is an acronym meaning "Guardian Of Death" GOD, he decides the fate of the spirits, they become reborn in my belief, I like buddha he is peaceful. I study more chinese then jesus himself, spirits will be decided on when soaring the Earthly plain.
If anyone who read this has a question about there experiences I am happy to help, contact me at flow.of.life [at] hotmail [dot] com, you can trust me, 5 years of study is in my site. Thanks for reading, hope it gives you courage to fight your spirits haunting strength. Bye.