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Contacted By Spirits?


I don't know exactly when it began but I just have this feeling I am being followed! I turn around and see shadows out the corner of my eye, most of the time they are black but once or twice they have been white. I hear these random voices in my head and I don't know whether I'm imagining it or not. I try to contact these spirits but don't seem to get any replies or signs. I will now share two particular experiences with you:

This started about two weeks ago, I was in my room just about to go to bed, I went to the light just about to turn it off when I started to smell my dead nan! It was really scary and freaky because it just somehow smelt like her, I could especially smell smoke because she used to smoke. I have never smelt someone who I knew was dead before and I don't know why I smelt her, I just knew it was her. Do you think she was near me, trying to contact me or something?

The second experience happened today I was in form this morning when I suddenly heard this voice in my head saying "meet me by the tree at five, five past one". Well at least I think that's what it said. I don't know whether I imagined this up or changed it or I was actually contact, I'm not really sure.

But just a minute before five past one I turned around and thought I saw a black shadow out of my eye, although it was not that clear. I had been seeing shadows around that area the past week or two and most of the time they are quite faded and I don't know why. My school used to be a hospital so I think there might be some restless spirits there or something, I have tried to do some research but haven't found much.

As soon as I saw the shadow I looked at my watch and noticed it was almost five past one so I rushed down to 'the tree', I don't know how I knew what it meant, but 'the tree' is the tree me and my friends sometimes meet up by. As I was about ten metres from the tree it looked like there was a black eye on it but as I got closer I just noticed it was holes in the tree. I walked around but didn't see or hear anything.

What was this, did I just imagine everything or was I actually being contacted by a spirit? If you can help on any of this please post a comment! Thank you.

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Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, pinkbabe63, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

bloodredrose (11 stories) (162 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-26)
to Everyone,

Can anyone help me find weirdo101. Weirdo101 is very scared and alone, I really want to help, but I can't do that if weirdo101 doesn't email me. I will not stop until I have found him/her. If you find weirdo101, ask him/her to email me at ravengirl_90 [at]

I feel like he/she needs me,
vendettaBabes (3 stories) (335 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-06)
hey lucy, how are you? Hey, guess what? Ready? The most amazin thing happened to me yesterday. I told my parents! The best part? They believed me, and told me some rally dark secrets abot our families. Both my mom and dad are gifted, turns out, but my mum is much stronger. They both said they thought I was too young to know, but that they were happy I was gifted. My mum started crying and saying how she was so happy that them trying to get rid of my abilities, [which turns out they did do] didn't work. Both of them also said I must take on after my mum's side, because my dad see things through dreams, while my mum is a people reader and see's auras or vives or something. Anyhow, I just wanted to tell you that, and that I am really happy I know you and this website. Without them, and help from a very special adult, iwould have never told them. Thanx!

❤, val.
Artine (4 stories) (52 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-23)
It is both physically and mentally impossible for imagination, in any form, to manifest in full form in reality.

That basically answers all of your questions right off-the-bat.

Hope it helps. ❤
punk151551 (1 stories) (14 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-23)
The thing about the past family member, that person was probably there visiting you. They do that at times. As for the other spirit, you probably weren't just imagining it if it just popped into your head!

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