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Real Psychic Experiences

Why I'm Here


Greetings folks!

I'm an old guy who does not usually use such a platform for such subject matters but I feel motivated to do so now. Last time I tried was approximately ten years ago and it did not go over so well. I came off as an arrogant preacher guy. I'm really not trying to be, but I do have my opinions on the whole occult study. But keep in mind that they are just my opinion and I don't feel that they are God's truth or anything like that. Okay on to my story. It is going to be an abridge version as it is about 20 years old and I don't want it to get too wordy.

I was raised by parents who themselves where involved in the occult, or more exact, the mystical. They where members of AMORC. For those of you don't know what AMORC is:


So when I turned 17 I joined the order as well. I am still a member, as well as a member of TMO.


When I was just starting out in AMORC I had psychic road signs as I call them, that let me know I had the potential to walk the path if I so chose. These road signs included objects moving around me without touching them, seeing things such as aura and other nifty stuff. So I did and I have been loving it ever sense.

Okay on to why I'm here. (this is where it gets a little preachy, sorry folks)

I really feel that the method of people learning and dealing with psychic "phenomenon " is a lot of the time not the most efficient method. I feel that people who are trying to learn how to use their psychic abilities by just looking at exercises on the net or books, but are not part of an actual school of the occult are doing themselves a disservice. Now, I'm not here to say my school is the best. There are plenty of great traditions out there besides the two that I belong to. The point is that being a present and paying member of school is a very rewarding experience and can vastly improve those who are seeking to understand the psychic world. So that's why I'm here folks. Not only to give my opinion on things if you wish to know my perspective, but also to help people find a good fitting psychic school. I also want to connect with people who are from different traditions than my own and compare notes. I think all the different traditions rock! O...and for those of you on the level. I only deal in white magic and therugy. No black magic stuff for me. But hey! To each their own.

Okay, (just about done now) I hope to meet some very cool folks here, broaden my horizons and connect with fellow occultist, as well as help steer some inquiring minds in a good direction if possible.

There all done


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, unknownmystic, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

unknownmystic (1 stories) (7 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-10)
Hey academylin!
Thank you very much for the warm welcome, and hello to you! I was not on this particular site ten years ago. It was a site focused on telekinesis. I basically said the same thing, that going to a school is better than trying to do it on your own. I'm a broken record I know. Anyhow good advice on the spiritualist church! That is another source to find a good group of common minded individuals. Hope all is going well!
academylin (14 stories) (303 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-07)
Hi "unknown mystic" who were you last time you used this stage, ten years ago?

I felt compelled to come and drop by tonight, I was knocking about on this site close to ten (ish) years back and recall a couple of "preacherish" dudes:) how ironic (synchronistic) if one of them were you?!

Just thought id say " hello" as I cruised by... Oh and incidently to help the keen up and comong psychics here, it might be advised to go and ask at your nearest spiritualist church, where might you possibly find an open or closed (by invite only) mediumship circle. Lots of practical lessons and help and information available there and fantastic experiences to be had.

Welcome back Unknown Mystic!

Love love
Lyro (468 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-07)
"Hogwarts" Would never exist in society. First off we all have a veil preventing us from reaching are maximum potential, that being said we wouldn't get to the point that most would wish we could. Second, society as a whole wouldn't allow something like that to be formed. Yes there is the group that would love "Magic". However, most would be afraid, people are afraid of the things they do not understand, and can only understand the things that they are a part of. That aside our government either wouldn't allow it to form at all, or take great interest if results were produced. This is the reason why most people who have true gifts stay to themselves. I like this site in that if you have a problem, people can post about it, and get some answers. Everyone new will be lost, and feel alone, unfortunately that leads to getting hurt. When I first started out I was lucky enough to feel I had to talk to someone, and come to find out they were able to help me understand what it was I was doing. That's why I joined here, to help those who were lost and confused like I was. Though something I will say is that people still need to experience things on their own, learn from mistakes made, and grow. Things happen, both good and bad to lead us where we're meant to be, not all can simply be taught.
unknownmystic (1 stories) (7 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-06)
The other thing I wanted to address was the difference between Mystical schools and a Psychic schools. The main difference is psychic schools focuses on psychic abilities. Mystical schools use psychic abilities along with rituals to accomplish a greater end than just learning and honing skills. Of-course to be an accomplished mystic one has to have strong psychic abilities but the end game is not the abilities. But rather, the understanding of a worldly philosophy, for my own, for example being hermetic, the helping of the world being settled in light, life and love. Different schools different ideology but you guys get the point. Both are good places to learn but will take you to different realms.
unknownmystic (1 stories) (7 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-06)
Greetings Folks,

Glad I got some feed back on my post. Would like to clear somethings up. First of all, there is nothing wrong with studying online and learning from other peoples experiences, I just feel that joining a legitimate mystical or psychic school is a faster way of and more effective way of learning. Okay on to mystical and psychic school info. In my experience there is no Hogwarts or schools like that. Of-course I could be wrong, but from what I have experienced, real schools of psychic and mysticism don't have the same aim nor really align with fantasy. So for those folks interested in finding some options I can point you in a few different directions, but keep in mind that real life schools and things such as harry potter type schools are nothing like each other. Real life is vastly more complicated and the mystics in real life tend to operate on different planes than the physical for the most part.
Magickyg413 (8 stories) (96 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-04)
I want to learn it online:) so I don't have to worry about missing out
SoulStriker88 (1 stories) (11 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-03)
I think that's why most of us are here, to talk to others who understand. 😁
vardogr (9 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-03)
Im just an old lady, & I don't know why I'm here other than I was lonely and had nobody who understands me in my immediate circle (not that I dare, I already scare the sh** out of all of them) and in my aquaintences and other forums I see a need for a community. Change is coming. My kids eat it up, so maybe I can help other kids? Find real friends? I just got here today. Nice to meet you.
SoulStriker88 (1 stories) (11 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-03)
Hogwarts for psychics and sensitives? I'd love it. I always wondered what it would be like to have a real teacher instead of simply having my spirit guides coaching me ❤
Emotionlessthug (68 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-03)
Open up a psychic school worldwide, so we can stop those evil aliens, and supercomputers?
Magickyg413 (8 stories) (96 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-03)
I would love to join a psychic school

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