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Someone Help? I Don't Know What's Happening


A few weeks ago I got really mad at my foster parent. And I didn't notice that I screamed at him, but the next day there were tornado warning's and also some time's I can visualize how it will look later on in the day then it would end up looking like that. Also a few days ago my ear kept on buzzing and I had a sick feeling that something is going on I also felt like crying for no reason then later on today at school I was on (to look at the beautiful pictures they post) and I saw at the bottom that a 7.7 earthquake hit somewhere on the other side of the world then the buzzing in my ear came to mind, I'm not sure if it's just a coincidence or something else. But that's not the only thing going on. I just started having weird dreams about random people or even my self, I had a dream where I was sitting down on a rock with bushes and a random person beside me, at the time I didn't know her at the time and that's the only image I remember from my dream. And then two days ago my class and I went for a hike up the side of a cliff, then when we got to the top we took a few pictures and then I went to go sit beside me new friend Emma I sat there for a while then that image from my dream came back to mind, where I was looking looked exactly like my dream. After that I nudged it off thinking it was nothing but now its been happening over and over and I have no clue what is going on, I can't really tell people that are close to me because then they will just think I'm going crazy or making stuff up. Can someone please help?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Maureena, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Maureena (1 stories) (2 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-09)
Thank you everyone your advise is helping, but lately I've been having dreams about a huge eye in the sky and there was a moon and it was night but there was no one around and there was water up to my ankles... I don't really under stand what that dream means. But last night I went outside to look at the stars and they were beautiful but there was no moon out, then after I stared at the stars for about 5 minutes I noticed that they kind of formed a shape of an eye, I had a little deja vu for a moment but I'm not sure if its just my imagination or a coincidence but it caught me by suprise, so I just went straight to bed and tried not to think of it.
Lyro (468 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-07)
I thought of something else to add about the time theory I mentioned: I did say that in that philosophy, both the present and future are happening simultaneously, however that doesn't mean that's the only possible future. In multiverse, or meta-universe, it's a set of infinite or finite possible universes that are all equally possible and real. Just by seeing the future it changes, I don't want to lock things into a mindset of whatever you see will for sure happen, or we don't have free will, or anything like that. Now on that topic, I do believe there are higher powers that cause certain things to happen, or push you in certain directions. A sort of fate if you will, but nothing is certain in life:)
~ Lyro
Lyro (468 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-07)
I want to start off by saying you're making a wise choice to not talk to random people about it. Unfortunately, like I've said in the past, people don't understand things that they are not a part of. I made this mistake myself, and it's not a good thing to trust people who don't understand... Not everyone is like that though, the people here came here in order to find answers, or help others just like yourself. You won't be judged here.

Now, first off about headaches, when your body first starts to experience something new, feeling things you're not used to, you can get headaches, it's normal and they will go away in time when your body adjusts.

In regards to seeing the future. I have my own theory. When thinking about time I use the philosophy of Eternalism, there is no future, there is no past, only moments in time. Time is perceived as more of a dimension where all those moments in time are happening at the same time, and all are equally real. Those that have happened, and those that haven't happened yet. You're able to see these moments in time because they will happen, so in a way happening right then if that makes sense. Now the catch to this is that all these moments in time are relative to you, which is why you're only normally able to see within your own future, the exception to this would be if you make a connection with someone else, or as you stated take for example a tragedy. The way I see that is that the moment a tragedy happens, everyone who is involved either directly, or in-direct, family, friends, everyone would have a build up of emotions from the event. As seen emotions are quite a powerful thing and can cause a spike in energy. I believe that wave of emotion is what allows people like us to either feel, or see that event taking place (in the future, but remember that all moments in time are in a way overlapping and already happening)

I hope this helps, even a little and isn't just me rambling:)
~ Lyro
Maureena (1 stories) (2 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-04)
Thanks masterofelements and SoulStriker88, and Joni-luv... I don't really have people to hug in real life so just thinking about hugging someone who understands made me cry but thank you very much.
Joni-luv (2 stories) (39 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-03)
Everything everything exists better when first we do not lash out, we do not injure or ridicule, we do not hurt/harm others... If you do it and you don't mean to, apologize lovingly as soon as you realize you did so. Recognize life is moments left lingering for all of us, it is up to each individual to recognize the lite as air peace feeling that comes with such acts of goodness. For me, just writing this I imagine me hugging you, just softly as a kind gesture. I went through many thoughts of processes in this life, knowingly coming back to the same point where peace, love & understanding always exists, it is in the love bearing over any hardship, choose love, kindness, thoughtful words every time... Flux in peace. ❤
masterofelements (12 stories) (80 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-02)
I have to agree with soulstriker88, you need to calm down a second and realize there are many others just like you. In fact, you and I are extremely similar. I dream of the future quite often and predict natural disasters. I am very advanced in this stuff, so I know how I could possibly help you.
First thing first, don't mention these things to people who would think your crazy because I made a mistake of doing that. Your 'third eye' is opening, (not literally another eye) the dreaming eye or eye of Psychics. Not everyone's opens, and some are blind. There is a reason why you are able to know when things like that happen, it isn't meant to scare you (though maybe it would other people...dunno) but it is meant to help you. It gives you glimpses of the future so you know what will happen, just a nice heads up. If you read my stories, you'd realize how I have been through the same things as you.
If you need any more help or want to talk about it, email me at ninjalover07 [at] the name will say Maia, but I go by River. I would love to help you!
SoulStriker88 (1 stories) (11 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-28)
First things first, honey: Breathe. No one is going to judge you or think you're crazy here. I've heard of similar things happening - people who get ill, seemingly out of nowhere, just as large scale natural disasters strike. If I remember correctly, it's a form of empathy. Don't be afraid though. Meditation should be able to help get it under control so you can feel more comfortable. ❤

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