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Spirit Flirting With Me


This morning I woke up and I was stuck in a sort of trance. I felt a body made of energy laying behind me. He had his arms wrapped around me and was cuddling with me. I could feel his arms, he felt so real. I could feel the texture of his body. I thought someone had broken in. He grabbed my hands and held both of them and moved our arms in circles. I just went along with it. I was sort of hypnotized. Then he squeezed both my hands. I squeezed both his back. And we kept on playing handsie with each other. It was kind of like playing footsie only with our hands. I could see his arms next to mine. His looked more like energy. He had a more of a sunkissed tan skin color, where mine is an light olive skin tone. I guess the spirit was flirting with me. I quickly got myself out of the trance. It was very weird. This happened this morning at 6:30 am.

I get cuddled and hugged quite a lot by spirits. One time a few months ago. I was laying on my bed early in the morning I woke up to buff muscular arms and a rather large male energy form cuddling me and not letting me up. He was just snuggling me like he was in love with me.

Another experience I was at the doctors office and I felt arms wrapped around my waist. I was bear hugged for five minutes while sitting in the waiting room.

I know one of the spirits is my soulmate in spirit, Thomas. But I don't know who all the other spirits cuddling me are. I know they are all male though.

Sometimes they snuggle me for ten minutes straight. I know my twin flames spirit has snuggled me as well. But I sense there may be more than two spirits cuddling me.

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eleiriel (guest)
10 years ago (2015-09-27)
Dear jasmine_glaze, they are not tricking me. I'm Clairaudient and clairvoyant. I'm fine with having nonphysical boyfriends. They've been great to me and are very sweet to me. I don't think I need to learn any lesson. Especially since one is my soulmate and one is my twin flame. The psychic was a real one and I was able to sense she was. I don't have negitive energies around me. My home is very calm and peaceful and has a very loving feel to it.

So thank you but I'm doing just fine:) they're both here to help me with my depression and heal from my trauma from being abused by my parents during childhood and teen years. They are not bad or harmful spirits. I appriciate the concern:) I'm only sharing my experiences. But thank you for reaching out to me, that's very sweet of you:)
jasmine_glaze (84 posts)
10 years ago (2015-09-26)
Dear Eleiriel,
When I saw your story I had a feeling that you are one of the people who are in danger of being manipulated by evil forces. I shared my story with you for a reason. As I said before, I do not want anyone to experience what I went through. Seeing what actions you take and how much you are yearning for the affection and support of your beloved nonphysical boyfriends, I realized that certain events need to play out and you need to learn this lesson on your own. Deep within you knew what is wrong and right until you started consulting psychics. Not all of them are truly gifted and there is also a significant number of these who use psychological tricks to influence others for their own personal gain, usually creating clients for their services. Keep in mind that if you need help, then I am here if you wish to discuss anything privately. My email is visible in my profile. May truth always win.
eleiriel (guest)
10 years ago (2015-09-23)
I'm glad, that's good advice:) thank you so much. So a couple of minutes ago I was cuddled by Thomas for seven minutes. It was really nice. I hope your day is beautiful and wonderful!
jasmine_glaze (84 posts)
10 years ago (2015-09-23)
Dear Eleiriel,
Thank you for the advice you gave me, but it won't be needed. I think I didn't say it clear enough that my problems have passed. I realized that I can't only live for love, I have other duties to fulfill, school, family, helping people, constantly improving myself physically and spiritually.
In the beginning I had no idea how important it is to keep myself protected. I do it by constantly shielding myself from darkside energies around and cleansing any unwanted energy that comes around me. I learned that it's only part of what is needed. On my way I met people who helped me realize that it is vital to stop taking actions that make one vulnerable to evil, for example seeking the pleasures lead to open me more to vulnerabilities, especially to seeking comfort. It was very overbearing at times, I had an issue where I'd fall in love with any man that was kind to me. My insecurity has become the tool that was used against me, my greatest want turned against me. After another sick relationship I realized that's not how I want to live, that I want to have dignity and respect myself, my body and my mind. I started praying to God and slowly filling my life with the light and positivity. I have been willing to endure all the suffering that came my way, until I realized that I need to rebuild myself so that there is no darkness nor potential vulnerabilities that may be taken advantage of.
That is why it's important to never give up on oneself and fight for the change in the life. Nobody is born with a strong will, but over time it becomes stronger and so we don't give in to negativity anymore. That is the advice I want to give. Never give up on oneself and have respect for oneself.
Yours jasmine_glaze
eleiriel (guest)
10 years ago (2015-09-22)
[at] jasmine_glaze. I've never gotten spitually pregnant before. I've been told by a clarvoyant medium friend that beings in the nonphysical cannot get you pregnant and that it's only with our physical bodies can we get pregnant. The energies around you don't sound good for you. I don't know what your beliefs are but one thing I know that works is calling on an archangel that you feel connected to and ask them to protect you and clear these beings from your home. For me the ones who have helped me the most with potection are Gabriel, Michael, Sophia, Ariel. Also My twin flame and soulmate have worked it out. According to a medium they really do care about me. I've never gotten anything bad out of my experiences with these two presences. They just sometimes squabble. I'm Clairaudient and clairvoyant and sometimes my guardian angels have appeared in front of me. I've created a friendship with all the beings around me. If there is a presence harmful to me then I always ask several archangels to clear the negitive energies in my home. I never pray. I just say the archangel name and the words please help me. So far all the presences around me havnt been harmful. I've had one fallen angel around me and he's a demon guardian. I have telepathy with my twin flame in spirit and I sometimes get visions from him. I also get vision on presences that are near me. I've gotten visions of my animal guides. So I know for a fact that I am not going crazy. My psychic friends that I meet with sometimes have told me of my gifts. I'm sorry you he caused you so much pain. You did not deserve to be hurt like that. How he could leave you for someone else. I know that arradon and Thomas would never want to hurt me. Thomas looked for me for a long time arradons spirit girlfriend broke up woth him and he came to me when we both were hurting to heal one another. I suffered from depression for ths longest time and aradon sensed I needed him. A psychic said he wants to help me. I'm not depressed anymore. And the beings and spirits are my friends. I hope things get better for you and you find someone nonphysical or physically you can make you feel wanted and loved. Someone you can trust. I trust arradon and thomas the most out of all the energy presences around me. My nonphysical friends have been very healing and helpful to me. I hope the right guy for you comes to you and helps heal your hurt. Hopefully a decent fellow and not a scoundrel. Not all angels or spirits are like that. My angel friends are funny, caring and try and cheer me up when I'm down. If you do get another angel boyfriend I hope it's one that's loyal to you in the way that you need. Its not cool that you were taken advantage of and tricked like that. Like I said you might try asking an archangel you feel closest to for help or and seeing archangels name quite frequently in everyday life could help you decide which one of them you should ask. Like I said I don't know your beliefs. Just a thought. You might find that you are not scitzophrenic at all, you could just have a lot of negitive presences cluttered around you being harmful and effecting you mind. I don't believe in schizophrenia. I believe sometimes harmful presences can mess with you if you don't ask for help or cleanse your home. I don't find sage works for me though. Many different Psychics have told me to call on Michael to help me, protect me and cleanse the bad energies around my home. I hope this helps. Sorry this was so long.
jasmine_glaze (84 posts)
10 years ago (2015-09-22)
Dear Eleiriel,

Your situation sounds very interesting. Personally, I've gone through experiences that hold similarities to yours. One day I was being called by my name many times. I heard a warm voice calling "Jasmine, Jasmine". When I paid it enough attention I saw the man. He was an angel, his name Teronaris. I had this sense of familiarity about him. I conversed with him and found out he was my soulmate and I knew him in past life. All in all, I fell in love with him as he fell with me. Our intimacy have lead to astral pregnancy. I had 8 nonphysical children in total. One day I got so angry at my soulmate, he cheated on me with another nonphysical woman. Before that it turned out that he was only interested in sex and didn't pay enough attention as a father to his children. Then I pursued a relationship with one of the friends, also an angel. His name was Tangresin. He was a very sensitive and supportive person, everything that my soulmate was lacking. Tanni even accepted my childrem. Some time later, when my children were temporarily under my soulmate's care, I went to see them and I wasn't happy with what I saw. He was having an intersourse when the children were around. What kind of sick person does that? From that point I took my children away and my second boyfriend killed my soulmate and his new girlfriend. All in all, I was betrayed again as my new protector let an enemy inside and I was badly wounded. I lost my trust in him and I made him leave for good. That's only part of the story as later on I pursued relationship with my real soulmate, or so I thought.

All of this was deceit by demons and negative energies around me. They used all of my innermost desires: to be loved, to have family, to receive support I never had, not even from my own mother. All in all, I was manipulated to do the worst things ever, to indulge into various lustful activities, I feel disgusted with myself for doing all these weird things, but with those dumb relationships that I pursued, I felt the need to do more and more weird intimate things. All the normal actions weren't enough to satisfy my lust anymore. I've been feeling bad inside, guilty for doing those things against myself and it was destroying me from within. The worst thing is, I was really spiritually pregnant, my children were some souless demonlike beings and I was sexually abused, even if I thought I liked it, which deep inside I didn't. Also, my very soul was torn apart in the process, it resulted in me suffering from schizophrenia. That's the price for my foolishness. I wish I could turn back time but I can't. I don't want anything like this to happen to anyone, not even my enemies. That is why I chose to share my personal experience with you

Yours, jasmine_glaze
Emotionlessthug (68 posts)
10 years ago (2015-09-21)
I'm starting to think that the government supercomputers are really focused on harassing Indigo Children, keeping them occupied.
Sensetiva (1 stories) (6 posts)
10 years ago (2015-09-18)
I have been held by something that was unseen 2x in mY life. Once when I was 5 years old an again when I was 13. Being a medium, I always felt looking back that it was someone on the other side, maybe a a family member... This posts makes me asks more questions. Thank you for posting.
eleiriel (guest)
10 years ago (2015-09-15)
Laercan I had thought was an incubus. But last night he appeared to me on his first visit as a goat like creature with horns. He had a goat face and had horns. He smells like some sort of plants. Noah who I call eros has a dark suffocating energy he's protected me from danger as a little girl he's my guardian fallen angel in a way. I don't believe all fallen angels are bad, just like not a humans are good. They're two sides of every coin.
eleiriel (guest)
10 years ago (2015-09-15)
[at] jasmine_glaze, this all started happening in 2012. I have a fallen angel who likes to be labeled as an incubus who's name is Noah, a satyr named Laercan who appeared to me through lucid dreaming last night and cuddled me, a spirit soulmate named Thomas who is a total teddy bear guy, and arradon my twin flame who was a famous norwegian poet. I've had even more cuddle from other stuff including my guardian angels. See the thing is I fell into a deep depression in 2011 and I couldn't get myself out of it, so beings in the nonphysical started loving me and cuddling me. I'm a flower child, tree hugger type and I became a depressed hippie for a couple of years. I started getting interaction and angels playing and hugging me in 2012. They even appeared to me several times and visited me in my dreams. I'm getting a lot of nonphysical healing. A lot of times I don't know what or who is hugging me. A couple psychics mentioned to me I am crowded and surrounded by all sorts of energies, human and not in the spirit world. One psychic even said most of the energies around me are male. I have one female guardian angel named Samantha, the rest are male.
jasmine_glaze (84 posts)
10 years ago (2015-09-15)
Hi, Eleiriel:

Wow! Your situation sounds very interesting. Has it always been like this for you? Have you had experiences like this earlier in your life?

I'd love to hear more of your situation. I heard Thomas got mad on another story, and I hope that your dearest comes back soon. I don't want to see you sad.

Much love and hope,
paristata (1 stories) (16 posts)
10 years ago (2015-09-15)
Wow! I get this a lot myself! It makes me feel loved. I always wonder who this spirit is, it also tells me "dont be afraid, I love you"

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