I have always been able to see something glow around people. When I was 12 years old I found out that this wasn't something that all people were able to do, thus I tried to investigate this gift. I noticed that I was able to see colours of the first aura layer with a lot of concentration and practice.
I still practice everyday, I am 18 years old now. Yet I don't know how to view the other layers. If you are also able to view aura's, could you please tell me how I can practice to become good at it? I know this website is for experiences, and I have ran to so many websites already, but no one is able to help me... I went to so-called 'professionals' but they either turned out to be fake, or they asked a lot of money to help me. That's why I thought that maybe you guys could know what to do.
Something else; I always have the feeling that I am being protected by something. I do not believe in God, and I have much reason not to, but I feel like this entity is just protecting me. I want to ask the mediums and clairvoyances out there, what can I do to meet this entity who has been protecting me for so long?
I was born handicapped, yet I miraculously healed from my handicap of being paralyzed at one side.
Help me please. I hope that I didn't bore you with this. I have no one else to turn to with my questions. No one believes me when I tell them my story, even my family doesn't. I just want some advice, I would be so grateful if there was someone who could do so.
Kind regards,
Just wondering do anyone else see Auras wandering about on their own, without anything inside of them,
Because I certainly do. 😕