Can anyone tell me if they have had similar experiences to this or if they know what this might be? Basically, I will be sleeping soundly. Suddenly I will become "conscious" of my dream state and have a feeling that I can only describe as, the feeling that something is trying to suck my spirit from my body. All joking aside; the only thing I can compare it to is seeing the Dementors in the Harry Potter movies; how it shows them sucking Harry's spirit?
So that is the feeling; and I fight it, I try and wake up, try and move, try reaching for my husband, try saying something out loud; and finally it will work. I don't see anything when this happens, it is just dark and no specific sounds that I recall. The intuitive feeling I have during and after this happens is not good. Because it is the same thing recurring and because it is so real; it makes me think its not just a dream.
This recurring thing started happening to me about 10 years ago. For the last 5 years it pretty much stopped altogether. Now it has happened 3 times in the last 3 months or so - it scares me. My intuitive feeling is not a good one. Has anyone had anything similar happen or heard of anything like this?