I have always been able to focus wind currents and channels to an extent. After being classified with a A.S.D. I lost that ability, not sure why but after that sometimes at random I went into a 'state' where my senses became more acute and slowing down time but making my coordination non existent soon after I went to secondary school I slowly reclaimed my old ability of controlling wind but it was different I could channel it more easily and along with my A.S.D. I could sometimes get feelings of what will happen next or feel someone else's energies (chakra,chi) in the elements slowly I expanded my abilities by using my chakra along with the wind to increase my speed or to find out if their were issues with other people.
Now in collage I haven't entered a 'state' in years actually since I reclaimed my ability and no one ever knew about it but after entering it a few weeks ago I told someone who has medical backgrounds and she didn't know what it was, so could someone tell me what's happening to me as I don't understand because of my A.S.D.
Lastly the 'state' I have is uncontrollable and totally random so I really want to be able to control it more so I can use it during stressful situations to calm down. But once I entered the 'state' and I could hear the thoughts of someone next to me so I want to avoid that because I don't want to get stuck listening to a advanced math equation at rapid speed for 10-15 minutes. But their is a after effect to this 'state' which is I feel dizzy and have a headache for hours later.