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Real Psychic Experiences

Daydreams And Knowing Sensations


I posted a story here several months ago, called "Daydreams," and I found the answers incredibly helpful.

Now, I'm about fifteen years of age and things are starting to get a little weirder. Instead of simply having daydreams, or visions, I am having these intuitions about people. Without ever speaking to them, I have a sensation that tells me whether they have positive or negative intentions. I get a sense of the kind of person that they are or a few traits about them, only to discover that I was correct. Even my visions are becoming more vivid and instead of just sight and sound, I have a sense of touch within them. They are becoming quite a bit longer as well, and I remember one that lasted an entire conversation.

These other abilities also seem to be stretching out to more spectral areas. My best friend lives in a house across the street, and we've known it was haunted for a long time. I was never really effected by it, until I walked into the house earlier today. As soon as I moved through the house, I felt a pressure on my chest and my stomach turned in knots. I could really feel a prescience surrounding us, if that makes any sense.

I'd really like some help on why things are suddenly changing. I don't think anything that has been going on for me could have triggered a fluctuation in my visions/abilities and it's rather perplexing for me. Does anyone have an idea why this might be happening? There is a town psychic in my area, and she seems to be real and genuine. Would talking to her be a good idea?

Thanks for the help!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Whatsthis, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

mysterypower (1 posts)
11 years ago (2014-01-04)
I wanted to comment on this because I can relate to what you have described. I am 26 years old and I did not really begin to understand these patterns in what I could tell about people until I was in my early twenties. When I meet people, I can tell things about what type of mood they are in, what kind of person they are, what they think of me, what they think of others, etc. It varies from person to person, but these are things that in time I can verify. I also can tell when people are lying, hiding something, nervous, preoccupied, have experienced loss, etc. I also have discovered that if I go to a physical location (example would be a house) and I can tell if something bad has happened there or someone has died or is close by who died. All things that the universe has shown me that I have been able to verify. It can be scary at times but I have learned to embrace it although I do not understand the purpose of it. These abilities have allowed me to counsel people and connect with them on very deep levels in times of need and grief. I find people are drawn to me in times of emotional need to take good energy from me and almost allow for me to heal them. When I was twenty I was given a tarot deck by a woman who told me I would need them for a gift I had to develop. Since then, I have connected with countless people and been able to be a tool for the divine. Beautiful things can come of such abilities.
darkassassin92 (1 stories) (215 posts)
11 years ago (2014-01-04)
Just curious did you saw my comment about me waking up in dark when lights were on? It was weird it felt like I fell off the bed and I did not see no lights reflection on wall. I do not know if it was real or just a scary dream.
AdreamWithinAdream (3 stories) (9 posts)
11 years ago (2014-01-04)
Oregon? Nice! I'm from Florida and also no problem! I like to try and help seeing as I didn't get much help when I awakened haha. As to why you "woke up"...well, I'm not sure. Some people go through awakenings after trauma or near death experiences but sometimes it's just like something hits the "on switch" in you and you gradually begin to notice things more. With me for example, the first thing that developed was clairvoyance. I just saw things that were difficult to explain. It started out small like seeing shadows and hazy figures but eventually I started getting flashes of what they looked like in my minds eye. You may be an empath if you're able to sense the intentions and feelings around you! Also you may have a history of psychic abilities that run in your family especially since you said your dad is sensitive.
On a side note, I just want to say that I know it can be difficult to deal with at times but with meditation and practice you'll be able to pull through whatever the spiritual realms throw at you.
darkassassin92 (1 stories) (215 posts)
11 years ago (2014-01-04)
Off topic I live in Oregon too. My dad can sometimes feel people's energy.
Whatsthis (2 stories) (2 posts)
11 years ago (2014-01-03)
Oi, I mean "I could have." What a ridiculous typo for me to miss, haha.
Whatsthis (2 stories) (2 posts)
11 years ago (2014-01-03)
Thank you so much! That makes a lot of sense, but I'm unsure as to how occupied have awakened my abilities. What kinds of things can cause psychic abilities to awaken? I think I will speak to the psychic and see what information she could tell me, and I'll be able to tell whether or not she really is psychic upon meeting her face to face. I'm really grateful that you responded!
AdreamWithinAdream (3 stories) (9 posts)
11 years ago (2014-01-03)
You may have not noticed the houses' overall feeling because your abilities haven't really strengthened at that point. You may be feeling it now because your abilities are growing stronger. As to why it's happening...well, everyone has psychic abilities to some extent but it's just in a dormant state. You have awakened your abilities somehow but that's okay! Many people awaken in different ways and if you feel that this psychic is legit then you should definitely talk to her! It helps to unload to someone because it can be stressful to go through it alone. You'll be okay though. Just practice and show no fear to whatever you may see or feel. 😆

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