I haven't read any stories about sightings going back to the 1800's. My granddaughter who is 11 years old is just informing us that she can see people and objects around them dating back to the 1800's. We have been putting incidents of her life together and realize that she was born with this. We asked her how far back she can remember and she went as far as 1 year old. My daughter used to hear little girls singing "ring around the rossie" when my granddaughter was a baby. My granddaughter just confirmed that she hears those little girls singing that same song.
She lives in an area where they mined "Cinnebar" (mercury) and she says she sees 2 boys collecting red rocks and putting them in a large box, she says when she goes near the hill they see her and she can feel their pain. The area where she lives was looked up and it was found that Cinnebar was mined there in the 1800's and when she saw the few pictures of what was on the web site she recognized 2 pictures as being what she sees. One is also of a large white house at the bottom of the hill and an old lady who lives in the house and a boy sitting on the picket fence surrounding the house. When she saw the picture of the house she immediately saw the boy sitting on the fence.
My granddaughter experiences a lot of spirits around her which happens mostly everyday. Just yesterday there were a lot of them around the car she was in at the grocery store. (She calls the spirits "them") I call the dead "spirits". I don't know if I am right I am still learning.
My granddaughter has a girl that has been coming to her every day for the past 3-4 years and is one she plays with all the time. She will lay out shells for her to play with. This little girl follows her everywhere.
There is a little boy of 4 years old that visits her at school in the playground asking her where his mom is. We have instructed my granddaughter to tell him to go to heaven or to the light. We hope this is correct.
She has been learning to deal with this all her life and has just recently opened up to us even though she thought we would think her weird. We have reassured her that it is a special gift she has and not weird at all. She has been so overwhelmed with both the spirits and the thinking that she was weird that once she told us she is much happier and wants to teach herself more on how to help these spirits.
She states that she can tell if people are like her when she walks by them. She says can read minds but not her family.
Also, both my parents are passed and my granddaughter goes to their house every week and this morning she spoke with my mom.
I would like to hear from anyone and everyone especially who can tell me if they have experienced sightings as strong as she has.
Also I wanted to say if anyone feels like keeping this to themselves because they think they will be rejected or made fun of please know that there are more people who will accept this than reject.
I know this is a lot but there is so much more she has said than I can write.