This Is pretty weird and I have a lot of trouble explaining It. I know stuff without actually learning it. Well I don't actually know these things. Its like an instinct. I can have a complicated conversation about the theory of evolution without any trouble and every single word I will say will be true. It works every time whatever I'm talking about The subject field is pretty much endless, but I don't feel like I know these things before it just pops up in my mind. That usually happens during the said conversation or even while I'm explaining it. I even have my own meditation group, witch I am teaching, while being as clueless as they are. The techniques I teach them just pop into my mind and I know what to do. I thought telekinesis to a few of them without much trouble, I thought them how to absorb physical and spiritual energy from mother earth, light and the air like a tree does, we even entered a controlled trance where we harmonized our energies and used it to do wonderful things. I did not learn what I teach them. So how and why can I do that. Am I connected to this vast universal pool of knowledge?
Oh And I can see the future in two different ways my sleep during my dreams
2.when I have these weird deja vues. My deja vues range from minutes to hours in advance and I can say word by word what a person is going to say before they say it. Like I said it can sometimes last hours. I tend to break those deja vues because they annoy me. They are also starting to get longer so I'm kind of worried so I would really appreciate a reply if one of you guys have an answer. I heard this power could take your sanity. Is that true?