My name is Rachel, and I am 18 years old. Within this past year, I have been dealing with an influx of "odd" experiences, so to speak. Sometimes I feel very strongly about situations or people for no reason. In better terms, sometimes I have an odd sense as to when someone or some situation may lead to harm or bad consequences. I also know I have empathic abilities. I tend to know when people lie about how they're feeling, although I don't tend to press the issue because I know how it feels to not want to talk about things. I can tell when people are sad, when they're confused, when they're sick. Sometimes when my friends are sick, when I go home after hanging out, I am temporarily sick like they were. I need to work on that somehow because I am sick a lot. I wonder if that has to do with myself not being properly protected from all psychic experiences? I don't know, just typing aloud now, lol.
I have also had a few dreams that have came true. I had a dream that I broke something, and I did 4 days later. Two days ago I had a dream about some cops (I'm not going in detail, it's irrelevant). After I woke up, I went downstairs and my mom was watching TV. Who did I see? The cop I saw in my dream. Experiences regarding my dreams are usually small, and have no affect on my day. Nonetheless, they happen. I have only had deja vu a few times, which one was during a dream. I was taking a nap and had a dream that my brother came in my room and asked what I wanted to eat. I told him and he left. When he closed my door in the dream, I woke up to him opening my door in real life and asking what I wanted to eat. I naturally freaked out telling him that just happened. He just told me I was crazy. That was my first experience with deja vu.
On another note, I am not able to see or communicate with spirits, but I am able to feel the presence of them. A lot of times I will be out with my friends and I will quickly look over to the side of me because I feel like someone is next to me, or over my shoulder. I look and see nothing. I feel as if it is the same presence following me, always over my shoulder. My friends see me looking around, freaking out and they ask what's up. I tell them I thought someone had just been next to me and they say nobody has been near me, BUT I FEEL IT. I wouldn't look if I didn't think someone was off to my side.
Lastly, for a few weeks I had some odd experiences regarding cats... This is the only time I have actually seen a spirit. I see this cat, it's a medium sized cat. It has short, fluffy black fur and a curious nature. I tend to only see it with my boyfriend. I can only see it out of my peripheral vision, but once I look directly where it was, it's gone. One of the times that I saw it, it had such bright green, glowing eyes. Almost unnatural. I see cats everywhere I go. I will be out driving, and I will randomly decide to look over out of the window or something. What do I look directly at? A cat... I never saw cats (especially stray) as much as I have been ever since I have seen this "spirit cat", for a lack of better term. I even saw it in my dreams a few times. Is this a spirit guide? I am not sure. I feel crazy you guys lol. I have all of this happen, and then when I talk about it I feel dumb for having nothing but my word to back it up. I feel like people around me just think I am crazy, but I know I really am experiencing things because I wouldn't have any sort of reaction to them if they weren't real experiences. So if this was a too long, didn't read kind of story, what I would like to know is:
1. How can I see and communicate with spirits?
2. Is this cat I mentioned a spirit guide, or something else following me?
3. How can I protect myself daily from other energies?
4. How can I get a better handle on my ability?
Thank you to everyone who took the time to read my novel, and for those who comment!