I have had a buzzing in my ear for about 3 months now and I have had strange experiences.
I googled what may have been the problem in my ears and it came up that I may have Tinnitus so I looked into that and it said that it was less common around younger people (i'm 15) but I decided to go to the doctors anyway as the ringing was really annoying. The doctor said there were no problems with my ears so I decided to look further into it and it came up with a result of Clairaudience. I read more into it and the more I did it made more sense.
Just as i'm about to go to sleep, I always here someone talking or a group of people talking. I usually just hear whispering or the end of a conversation and then when i'm drifting off to sleep someone screams in my ear! I don't really know what they say but it definitely gets my attention. I found that if I meditate for a few minutes, I can SOMETIMES hear 'things' (I say sometimes because I can't concentrate for too long:P) But lately I have been 'blocking it out' by not concentrating on it because honestly i'm scared that i'm going to hear something frightening.
Also another thing is that I can 'feel' peoples emotions. As soon as I walk into a room, I can feel if there is tension between people or if someone is unhappy. I can feel when someone is excited etc.
Basically I came on here to get peoples opinions and help. Can you tell me what this is? Your opinions are greatly appreciated!
(Oh by the way, I don't know if this helps but my sister is a very spiritual person. She has had experiences with demons, Astral projection and spirits, so maybe it runs in the family?)