It started a year after my grandfather passed away. I was 19. One night I called the police for people playing loud music behind my house, and burning a bond fire. I went next door to my cousin's backyard to get in the shadows so the people down at the sandpits couldn't see me. I wanted to get a better look to see if any of my friends where down there.
I heard a voice and for some reason had turned and looked to my left, then and there I saw my grandfathers' body, he sat up turned and looked at me with the blackest dark eyes, and had an evil grin on his face. My grandfather was a good man.
Ever since then, I can look at anybody, and its not on everyone I see them, but on a lot of people, I see a dark evil spirit on them, I have even seen it on my first ex-wife, and my best friend. It scares me. Can anybody tell me what I am seeing.
I have told my mom, and a minister, who both thought I was crazy. I've also see different things in my sleep that has happened either in the next couple of hours to the next couple of years from me first seeing it.
Please can someone help me understand what I'm seeing. This has been going on for over 11 years now. I don't know if I am losing my mind or what. Thanks