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Comments for What Is Energy? My Opinion: Page 1

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Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-12)
Why are your friends afraid you 😕
Is it something that you have done 😨
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-12)
More serious than I am now? My friends are already afraid of me... Oh well, thanks.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-12)
Good advice Natural. Hopefully bbdeathspark takes time off and meditate on the lyrics 😐
NaturalScience (229 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-12)
RUSH is something to learn to listen to. One often feels overtaxed when first hearing them, at least if one before had the habit of listening to ordinary Pop and Hiphop - or if one had the habit of hearing the real loud Metal bands they seem too disciplined, too "classical", not interesting enough to hear. But both obstacles go away soon and then one is glad to have REAL GOOD music to hear, HAND MADE not playback, HIGH HUMAN LEVEL of lyrics not just that boring old "girls-and-cars theme". No matter if one tries to meditate on them or just hears them while driving home in the car. See, HipHop is like cheap whiskey, and ordinary Blues bands are like that watery U.S. Beer which is sold in tins at every corner; but rock of the musical and human level which RUSH represent is like good wine. One does not have to learn to get drunk by whiskey, or to quench a hot day's thirst by beer from a tin; but to enjoy good wines is a cultural achievement, a thing worth learning, and I am sure you CAN learn it, and as soon as you have learned it you will not only BE really more serious, but also be more RECOGNIZED as serious than you are now.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-11)
Aaah, Good. Thanks for the advice, I'll try listening to it to see if it works for me. If it doesn't, I might have a hard time finding one.
NaturalScience (229 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-09)
For you personally bbdeathspark: listen to the music of RUSH, best the older songs from before 1985, with a meditative attitude and you will become straight-minded and apt to face reality with a "natural-science" heart - like a researcher, not like a conqueror; not thinking "this is..." but "this could be so as to my impression, can I prove / disprove its reality?" This music is good medicine. It kept my mind sane in times of jeopardy, and it made my mind relax better than anything else in times of hard mental work. If you read the words you learn much about life as it is - neither with a pink pair of spectacles nor with a black one. They are as authentic as the sky. Turn them low so that you have to use som effort to hear the bass in the background. It is good to concentrate to what is hardest to hear - or to the silence behind it. Don't excess - if you get a headache or simply think I want no more stop at once, for you know yourself when its enough. If RUSH is nothing for you you can do this with every music of high quality, no matter if rock, folk, jazz, devotional, classical, or just psychedelic, if you really like it and if music and words have no negative intention behind them. This does not constrain you onto sweet sing-sang-song things which sometimes are sold as meditative (ugh!) but on the contrary, as it is reality with which you are dealing, songs may even talk of war and blood and sexuality if it is with a distance and without blood lust, wallowing in porn expressions or other primitivity. Then such themes are OK for my self-found kind of mind relaxation, and perhaps also meditation, which I thus offer to you! One here wrote he shielded himself by repeating the Smurfs song, which is as I think a small-kid thing, I would not have liked it - but it worked, as a kid song does not contain bad vibes normally.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-07)
o_o Is that all? You put such a blanket on my piece T_T. But hey, I asked for Opinions. I appreciate yours.
NaturalScience (229 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-07)
It is an evolutionary thing - nothing more nothing less. Those to-day still "talented" for Magic (which energy manipulation surely is) are living remnants of times in which Magic was a normal part of life. Technicalities as we have to-day are just a weak ersatz for this.
Why are there still magical persons, then, if we can do all we need with Technics instead of Magic?
Very simple answer: because Technics in the way we use it to-day will not be as easy to obtain in the future than now - see, oil is failing and this fuel was/is the base of all our modern technical miracles; and also because there will soon be lots of turmoil in the human world so that we all will need all our energies (also those denied as to existence by that Materialism which gave us modern Technics) to ensure our own survival, and that of those near and dear, and - last not least - the survival of human nature as it should be. ("The most endangered species is the Honest Man" says Neil Peart of RUSH, in a great song, from which I took my WWW nickname) For example, those who have experienced to be able to disturb the functions of computers and electrical devices by their psychic minds perhaps have this gift to use it in war and civil war of near future, to defend themselves and also to sabotage evil deeds planned or done with technical devices of that kind. And those able to feel at once who is a liar and who not will be helpful in their families, companies or "tribes" to avoid fraud and theft.

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