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Return to the psychic experience Constant Deja Vu

Twopeasnapod (1 posts)
17 years ago (2008-05-18)
😕 Hi, I typed "constant deja vu" and found this site. So I decided to click on it. I'm not much into psychic stuff. As I don't quite understand it all. But my problem is this constant deja vu. It happens nearly every day. I pray to God to take it away from me. It's scary at times because it's so clear that it has happened before. I get very frustrated and scared at the same time. I don't want to have this happen to me everyday. (Happens 2-3 times per day) The other day my husband and I had to attend my kindergartener's conference. The deja vu hit, and everything in the room was the same, I've never been in the classroom before and yet everything was so familiar and I already knew what she was going to do next and saw it all happening in my head all over again. My heart starting racing and I had to calm myself and squeeze my hubby's leg as a sign to him that it was happening yet again. He knows when I get these "deja vu" things because he's basically my security blanket now. *sigh* How do I get rid of this and why do I get it so much? If anyone can help me it would be appreciated very much. I'm starting to think I'm going crazy. *frustrated*
stellar6 (2 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-25)
Hey I have constant Deja Vu as well, it's happened my whole life. I really started paying attention to it in third grade. I am 20 years old now and I am noticing more of these Deja Vu instances in day to day life. I have noticed that I "recognize" every person that I meet. The people that I form a relationship with give me a stronger feeling of, wait where have I seen you before.
Willow (guest)
17 years ago (2008-02-29)
Hey don't worry, I have the same thing going through my head like every day, its like, Wait a minute, haven't I already done this? Or hmmm, this is so familiar, or even, this is just like my dream last night! So don't stress your not alone :D
ray (guest)
17 years ago (2007-11-01)
that also has happent to me it is weird but you get use to it. I have had deja vu more than 3 times a day. Iam 17 and I had that since I was little. I still don't know if Iam physic. I have had this experince were I wake up from a nap and as the rest of the day goes by I start to get little movies on what is going to happen later on the same day or sometimes a week later. There are a lot of people thatare like me who don't know if it's physic powers. I really would like to know that.
Creeped Out (guest)
17 years ago (2007-10-31)
That is certainly very scary, and might be startling. I usually get a 'mind movie' sort of like in front of me, I see some events that occur and I wonder, "What can this be?" And then, after a little while, usually days or weeks, I see the vision, but in reality. I don't think it's physic, or me, I just believe that it's a coincidence. Just calm down, and don't let it bother you. Consult a highly trained expert about it.
michaela (guest)
17 years ago (2007-10-31)
i get that at least once a week mostly certain objects time periods or when someone talks I keep thinking it has happened before. I try to ignore it because I have never been able to control it.
West (guest)
17 years ago (2007-10-28)
I have what you have were I get the feeling of deja vu and I get it anywere from 3 to 6 times a day I know what your talking about to with the felings I also get them and for me its gotten to the point to were I feel like I had a dream of what happened and just before it happens like 50 to 20 secs before it happens I rember it but just letting you know your not alone out there I have been experancing it for about 3 years now. Now I am 13
physicgirl (1 stories) (2 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-28)
Thanks,J.That is a really helpful comment. And you too,e.e.!Wow,i can't believe other people actually experience what I do. Thanks alot!
e.e. (guest)
17 years ago (2007-10-26)
i know exactly what you're talking about. I'm only 14 and I get deja vu every other day. [it used to be more] I have no idea when I'm getting these images. I just see them and think 'oh my. Deja vu again' except I have figured out most of these experiences are from dreams I've had several nights ago. I believe that every morning I wake up and don't remember my dream, it was a predicted event that's going to happen in a couple weeks.
you helped me feel like I'm not the only one. Thanks for posting.
j (guest)
17 years ago (2007-10-25)
No need to be so stressed. I have had the same thing my whole life. Think of the "present" more in terms of the "pre-sent". You have seen your life blueprint before and sent all the experiences you required to evolve to this reality, hence pre-sent. Your higher self sees the past, present and future as one complete reality, only in this lower consciousness we experience these as separate states of being... What is now, what has been, and what will become. The more it happens (deja vu) the more multi dimensional you are being... This is a great thing! Enjoy and take care... Your not alone.

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