This has being going on for a very long time in my life. All the time I get these weird feelings. Every time I see something, I keep thinking I've seen it somewhere before... All the time I get these feelings. Where ever I am. I don't know whether it's just deja vu or whether I'm psychic. I don't know how it works. I'll just be standing there and I'll see something and think "I can't believe it. I've already seen that somewhere. But I don't know where..." And that's the thing that confuses me so much.
Where have I seen it before? It gets me so frustrated! I told my mum but she said it was just deja vu. I didn't carry the situation any further. But it keeps happening and I don't know what to do. I'm telling myself that I am not psychic because I don't know when I see things. But I am telling myself that I am because it happens around twice a day. I'm 11 so I have no idea what is going on. It's getting kind of spooky now because every time I think about it, something happens that I have seen before.
I'm hoping someone out there on this web site has had an experience like this. Can you give me any information? Any advice? Please help me because I am really desperate. Give me some links to stories like mine so I can see what others have to go through.