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NaturalScience (229 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-22)
In gratefulness and respect I answer your kind last post. I thought for sure that you would feel I were not serious or somebody who likes to lament. It raises my spirits to see you take me for serious.
As to music - it never was such as Hiphop, I loathe the kind of music which dwells on "girls and cars" or even lower things. It was mainly 70s Rock of superior quality but also some few 90s works. Suppose you do not know the band names but I name them for others with psychological build similar to mine. It was mainly RUSH, the music of which has, to me, a very pure and honest vibration and the words never evoke evil or dwell on low things - they sing about science and philosophy (my WWW nick "NaturalScience" is the title of the most ingenious song they ever made, it's on the 1980's LP "Permanent Waves", I seriously call the words of this song a core of my philosophic belief), space-travel ("Cygnus X-1", about their grief on bad things in the world as are war, dictatorship and ruthless business ("Red Sector A", "Big Money", the "2112" mini-opera and many others), human relationship ("Counterparts"), heroes ("A Farewell to Kings") and about the spiritual path ("Fountain of Lamneth"). It also was the early LPs of Wishbone Ash, some jam-session recordings of old Deep Purple (as "Space Trucking"), some Hawkwind recordings, a few songs of Dream Theater from the 90s which make a music very heavy in instrumentation but extremely complex and intellectual in structure, similar perhaps to classic Richard Wagner, and last not least those purely instrumental recordings of Dream Theater musicians: "Liquid Tension Experiment Part I and II" which are quite jazzy, and "Explorer's Club - Age of Impact" which is a kind of heavy rock opera about the end of the world. (There are many more rock and jazz-rock bands / works perhaps suitable for meditation, mainly from 1970 to 1984 - which, most strangely, is the time-period when Sri Haidakhan Babaji, supposed to be Lord Shiva Himself, was teaching down in North India. The ones who know that kind of music and have a bit of a feeling for what is clean and what is dirty will easily recognize them.)
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-22)
I am very sorry that I could not have helped you further. BUT I believe that you can do anything, once you put your mind to it. Even though your body maybe badly coordinated.

I urge you to not give up and please try again.
Eastern arts like Tai-Chi and Yoga have beneficial physical successes. And if you are not comfortable with a tutor, PLEASE FIND ANOTHER.

I have realized that African deities and Hindu deities are very similar, just different names.
As a matter of fact, through cultures after doing research, I realized that their are the same beings. It is just that people call them by different names.
For example, Lord Vishnu has different names. Even Lucifer has other names in ancient civilizations.

Yes we humans need defender and warrior like spirits to surround us.
I go to them when someone tries to harm me. I have had situations where people tried to use witchcraft against me. 😐

If you insist in listening to music, please make sure it is music that raises your frequencies, not the kind of music that always sing about disrespecting women (especially black women where hip hop artists think it is cool to sing about that) violence and sex. These garbage tend to vibrate low frequencies.

Please try these exercises again. You know your body the best. Do them in moderation ❤
NaturalScience (229 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-22)
Thank you Rashidah for your advice but it will not bring me further. No matter - God bless you.
As to King Ogun whom you met, if you meet again greet him of me - just because I am lucky enough to know his name though I live far from the regions where this spirit is revered. I think him to be identical with the Mahakal or Kala-Bhairava of India whom I mentioned in a former post, and of whom I am very fond. We small and weak mortals do need a strong defender spirit.
As to music: if I am absorbed in listening I perhaps stop thinking. No other way goes. Tried many ways but my brain does not stop thought production. Probably God needs my multitude of thoughts for a higher purpose. (That is also why I call meself in the WWW "NaturalScience". My other WWW nicks are "wheelswithinwheels" and "mahalaxmi".)
As to Taichi: I never had any interest in physical exercise with a spiritual label, for my body is poor in coordination and if I have bad success in such exercises I will think of meself I am unskilled in spiritual things too - I know the way I react inside, and if you saw me trying any kind of dance or gymnastics you would know I correctly estimate my body abilities so don't think I am a pessimist... This is also the reason why I never asked a yoga teacher for solution of these problems, I would be too ashamed and if he seemed as if he laughed at me, or thought me to be unspiritual or so, I would lose my last self-esteem in ths respect. I always admired those people who can do acrobatic things with their bodies, as salto jumps, lotus position, standing upon one's head, but I managed only once in life to stand upon my head and that was when I was twenty-one, not earlier, and I started laughing and crying together after this for being so glad that this poor body of mine could do it altogether. I was then contented to have done it once and so prove my body not to be SO inferior as I thought it. And when I learned some basics of judo, at fourteen, I was mobbed at school and needed it for self-defence, it took four months before I even could TRY to do the "falling exercise" somersault they teach. It looked so neck-breaking to me that I just was sure that MY neck would be broken by it. To-day, however, I know this body to be just of a different type, it is inept for sports or acrobatics of all kinds probably including Hathayoga, OK, but very gifted for heavy duty. I cut my first tree when I was nine, with a small old household axe. This was a fact never acknowledged by sports teachers, other kids or so, it was only useful for our survival as we were poor, and as no one gave me a good school mark for it I thought it to be nothing to be proud of, thank God I am now old enough to know better.
kraken (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-21)
also I hear my hippy friends laughs & voices comeing from plumbing and rain drops and vehicles such as oil transports. Is this telepthy or clairaudience. Ill call and they never know what the hell I'm talking about.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-21)
kraken can you email me please. It is on my profile.

I will see if I can distinguish if it is astral spiders or arachnophobia.
kraken (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-21)
i feel people poking my leg at time accompanied by a voice who won't tell me who they are could this be human or perhaps a spirit either way they know the answers to zener cards and know what cd I randomly pick from a bin of a thouasd before I even go to the library so. 😕
kraken (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-21)
i keep recieving a clirvoyant image my physics teacher wrapped in cocoon of web in real life I'm assumeing from a spider, aloung with a spiderman-comic image on his and others faces and burst of red aura shooting to closest spider. My mom is aracdaphobic could this be why? Maybe I'm tuning in to her energy. Her third eyes isn't open at all its relly quite frusterating
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-21)
It is impossible to do these things.
Try lying down instead. Some people do it.

I do not really work with music though. I find it distracts my concentration on emptying myself.

I do hope this helps.

Also when there is a situation where breathing is a problem, I will recommend Tai-Chi. You can google it. It has a lot of healing benefits ❤
NaturalScience (229 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-21)
Hi Rashidah,
I posted a question about meditation to you some twenty minutes ago but there was some malfunction, it does not show up. Thus I ask this same question again. It was: is it possible to get into meditation although one cannot take a full breath, and/or cannot sit erect, and/or cannot sit long with crossed legs, and/or can't even keep still for longer time while lying supine because of physical discomfort obliging one to move? In a former post I called meself ungifted for meditation. But perhaps I just do not know a method yet that works in spite of physical hindrances as named above - which I have had most of my life. In a better time when I had hardly any of those problems I often came near to a meditative state (when hearing my favourite music but by no other method no matter how much it was praised by others). How I, later, finally came to a glimpse of all-is-one I don't tell anyone - music was not enough... But now nothing functions at all. Even the thing not named here lost efficiency. But I want that bliss to come back!
Do you know a meditation method for cases like me that works?
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-20)
I have not heard of cocoons dear. But I will research them for you hun ❤
kraken (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-20)
i despretly need help with astral projection I think spiders have completly over taken my room and are crawling on me I keep seeing a clarvoayant image of my body encased in a cocoon I think they have mtaken my body captive pleease help I need to know as much as possoble mor about astral projection and defense 😨 😨 😨
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-20)
Thanks intotheblack.
I really appreciate that comment ❤

I did not know about the synthetic clothes.
IntoTheBlack (66 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-20)
Oh, hell with him 🤔

Great tips though, Rashidah. Definitely good advice. This site has been lean on stories lately, so I'm glad to see something new 😉

One thing I'd like to add though, which is true for many people... Try not to wear synthetics while meditating. Those reduce the amount of energy your body is able to receive.

But this is not to say that synthetics are bad or useless. I personally often wear synthetic short-sleeved or sleeveless shirts, because those help avoid damage to the abdominal area of my aura, and the rest of the body can still pick up vital energy.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-20)
Newblood let us continue the discussion here instead of invading Ashlie's story.

I have been having more O.B.Es myself these days. It is sort of cool, once you get use to it 😊

That is a very interesting experience you had there.

I am glad that you seem to be a good dad to your son ❤

I can tell by his excitement to see you.

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