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The-Cellist (3 stories) (17 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-10)
You're just like me. I understand what you're going through from first hand experience.
When you mentioned the night that you froze my jaw dropped. I had the same thing happen to me and just like you I remember it with crystal clarity despite it being about a year ago.
I was laying in bed half asleep when all of a sudden I felt completely awake, almost like a sure of energy had been sent through me. I almost felt like I was laying directly above myself and it was like I was viewing things from a third person. I wanted to move and scream but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't move a hair. Then I felt this presence over me and it was touching me then it felt like their hand went right through me. It was like they were touching my heart.
I want to speak with you about this more. Maybe we can help each other get through this. 😊
Swordsoflight (6 stories) (90 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-10)
Karma. Her name is (or was) Karma. I called the second one "Spark".
I don't know how I know this but it must've been suppressed until now.
Swordsoflight (6 stories) (90 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-10)
No its still pinned. I tried to touch my back and since then random parts of my arm & leg have randomly itched. On the inside.
Not sure what to do, but if it tries to get to my family... I don't even want to think about them going through what I did.
Zin (guest)
10 years ago (2014-11-07)
Most likely, in some form, although I am not exactly sure on how to test for it besides some sort of provocation.
Swordsoflight (6 stories) (90 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-07)
That would mean that its still pinned to me...
(Sorry busy day yesterday)
Zin (guest)
10 years ago (2014-11-05)
That is interesting perhaps then it is all related, to what you ran into in the woods, the mark/scratch would be its way of entering into the soul or at least attaching itself.
Swordsoflight (6 stories) (90 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-05)
I remember...
I talked to one girl on the bus (I had started having visions and stuff and asked about it) and I remember some show on ION (Tv channel) and... A few months later I knew someone was around me and I tried sharing a pickle with them (They never ate the pickle, actually. 😜) and... Later on I started talking to myself in the woods behind my house where I usually hiked and... Slowly it kept getting louder in my head and... The dream was... On the same day. 😲 I remember now! I had that dream but forgot about it... I was going to build a little lean-to out of a pile of sticks (For some reason the landowner kept piling them up and my parents didn't want me building something but I remember that I did anyway) and all of the hair on my neck stood up. I turned around and for a blink I saw a girl... Light blue, nightgown, hair over her face. This was on the same day I had the dream I think. I remember I couldn't see her but I could hear her running after me after I bolted home. She grabbed my hair and touched my back (Still a mark today, along with the mark from the attack last year that i'll get to in a tick) I ran home but she stopped on the edge of the forest. I told my parents and, after they sent me to my room for a minute, they told me it was my imagination. They were scared when I first told them, though... I can't remember if before or after that I started blanking out but that's the main part of it. Then a year ago when we moved here I was scared that it'd follow me. A few months later I began weakening again. This time it was a guy, I think. I remember walking the dog outside and just talking to him. (Same setup as before, but I didn't trust him at all.) Later on my right side started failing almost. I was hurting and my ankle always felt broken and my side always felt heavy. One night, after having a night terror or something similar, I...I got really negative and... Something stabbed me. Nothing physical, though. If it weren't for my friend i'd probably not be here today. Ever since then i've been better at blocking out. Actually, I had a bit of an attack yesterday where my ankle started failing but I remembered sage and salt helps so I went to the spice cabinet (Kitchen) and rubbed some on my jeans to look like dirt (So my parents wouldn't freak).
(Schools over see you tomorrow)
Zin (guest)
10 years ago (2014-11-05)
Well, it sounds like you need to put those memories back together. What, do you recall of them?
Swordsoflight (6 stories) (90 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-05)
I can't remember. I think it was after but after I got possessed all my memories of that time are either blank or scrambled or in pieces.
Zin (guest)
10 years ago (2014-11-05)
Did this dream occur before or after that? If it was after, you will probably have it again, if not already.
Swordsoflight (6 stories) (90 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-05)
Could have been. All I know is is that its the thing that chased me out of the forest area behind my old house a few years ago. 😐
Zin (guest)
10 years ago (2014-11-03)
Interesting as I know the blonde one deals with light, perhaps this is the other half, that being female yin.
Swordsoflight (6 stories) (90 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-03)
Wow I got a lot of posts over the weekend! I'll combine my responses.

Truly-unknown; My dream was of that thing that possessed me. I think it just carried a message or something.
Zin; Opposite, actually. Black hair, glowing blue eyes. I had a vivid enough dream to remember her face, at least.
Aggers; I don't know what could happen at that time except lunch. I don't know maybe i'll figure it out in time.

Anyone else have something make a weird mark almost like a crooked "T" but the top separated from the bottom on their calendar on yesterday's date yesterday?
Aggers (2 stories) (27 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-02)
I think you might be an indigo.

Also, by the sounds of it, a spirit is trying to tell you something by giving you signs on the time you stated. Something happened, or will happen at that time? Put it all together, maybe you'll figure it out?
Zin (guest)
10 years ago (2014-11-02)
Was this girl perhaps a blonde, very pale, green eyes and seemed to glow, as if light was originating from her? If so, I am have a concept of what she is, I commonly refer to her as Tara, although that is simply a nickname.
truely-unknown (10 stories) (106 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-01)
I honestly don't know. I found out in a dream. I was running through blue black, like the night sky. I couldn't tell what the ground looked like. Then it became a lucid dream the next time I had it. I was running through my city. I looked to my right to see soldiers being absorbed by a dark misty wall.

I stopped running a block after that, spinning to face it. I clenched my hands into fists at my side. I was angry at myself for giving up, but it wasn't just giving up. Something was drawing me to the darkness and lack of shine in it. I was absorbed. I could breathe, but barely, like it was really still and stale air. There was no feeling of temperature. It felt like breathing through a thick blanket almost.

Then I heard those names. I thought I heard more words, but I couldn't make them out.

After that I woke up, and my ankles ached to the bones, and my right shoulder was sore like I was sprinting for a while.
Swordsoflight (6 stories) (90 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-31)
Wait, yours is scrambled!
Silver = Protector
Shadow = Shadow
Guardian = Aegis
Phoenix = Wraith
Its the same thing but scrambled! Holy cow!
Swordsoflight (6 stories) (90 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-31)
Weird, I wonder why? 😐
Do you have any idea what it means or could mean?
truely-unknown (10 stories) (106 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-31)
For me it's Aegis and Wraith. Protector and Shadow. Other things have happened, but apparently the site refused my last comment describing it. 😐
Swordsoflight (6 stories) (90 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-28)
Note: Around this time exactly something weird happens.
Hot flashes, Cold flashes, Weird feeling that something is petting me.
Swordsoflight (6 stories) (90 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-27)
Thanks for posting, by the way 😁
Maybe in the future i'll be a healer or a mentor...
Swordsoflight (6 stories) (90 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-27)
I do meditate, but not as often as I need to 😳
Thing is I don't want my folks to freak out about me, but maybe I can sneak a few grains of salt here and there. I know we have sage as a spice... Would that work?
Haha, yeah I know that its happening. Unless i'm completely insane and mental XD *bad joke*
Turns out since my friend rescued me its been...Gone? (I say this since I don't know EXACTLY what happened)
I usually just imagine a big box around my house, or a cool dome. So far i'm the black sheep in the family, but the only person i'm not sure about is gone (Granddad on my dads side).

I also forgot to mention that I can smell people. Literally!
People, places, memories, dreams (Occasionally) have smells! And energy. If I focus I can identify energy of familiar people. It takes a while though since its complicated.
Aggers (2 stories) (27 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-25)
Sooo much you've just said has happened to me also... Is it a starseed thing?;)
The empathy, the going home, the possession... Mine was a little different though. What happened was, that I just got in to a really bad place after I kept emotionally healing people. Turns out I sucked up all of their negative energy and that attracted something dark to pester me. I would have awful nightmares, and I mean out of nowhere! My life was great! Anyway, yeah I'd have really bad nightmares and wake up with scratches all over me. When I would show my mum she'd dismiss it so I did too. That was a bad idea.

I started hearing things a normal person shouldn't, to hurt myself. And I did. But out of nowhere, a few weeks after continuously hurting myself I snapped out of it. I knew it wasn't ME hurting my body. I'd never do that. And I had a really weird dream. I was time travelling through portals, when I stopped in the 80s, accidentally in some guys room. We talked for so long and really connected. I felt so much peace and love in between us. I said to him it was my time to go back now, and we hugged it out. The weird part was, we hugged as I gradually woke up. When I did wake up, I still felt his arms around me! It was so nice I just lay there with a smile on my face.

Weirder thing... When I went off to college, I FREAKING SAW THE GUY. I never met him before apart from my dream. And when I saw him, my stomach would explode with butterflies. He'd always peek at me, my friends would tell me he kept looking at me. But I never, and he never got the courage to talk to one another, which was a shame.

Anyway, back to you now you've heard a little of me. The cold patches I believe are spirits you're feeling because I get that too and then see an orb.

To advance your abilities and keep them under control without attracting entities you need to do a few things first.

You want to protect your home from them entering. Be it holy water, be it salt, be it sage. Anything. Just do a protective method in each room, including closets, because they can get in there too, they're sneaky.

Then you want to protect yourself. Imagine a bright beam of love just coming out of your heart to extend your body. You don't want that thing to try and kill you again. Ew.

Then you want to meditate. Be careful on what kind of meditation you do, because I'm telling you now, us starseeds have more power than we think we do, one session and you'll start seeing things you're not prepared for. So I suggest you do mindfulness first, get you more aware of everything.

Hope this helps a little!

P.s, the awakening is already happening.

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