I have experienced some increasingly spiritual activity over the last two to three months (tied to the change of ages possibly and the dimensional shifting of the earth).
It seems as though manifesting occurs quickly, but only on small things but frequently. Very small, things like thinking "I need a fridge magnet so I can put these pictures up on the fridge (I have never had fridge magnets in the house) and then two minutes later, while taking out the garbage, I thought I dropped something under the fridge, and as soon as I stuck my hand under to see if I had, I felt a magnet stuck to the under side of the fridge. Little things like that. Not life changing, but that's an example of what has been happening.
Additionally, I frequently Astral Project while going to sleep, and I have had an increase in these, but they come so naturally now that I don't often feel the beginning symptoms. I am very aware of everything and seem to be getting taught lessons every time I do this now. Saturday night's lesson was how we can create electricity though thoughts for free. Before that was about multi-dimensional selves. Before that, about breathing and someone was showing me how even whales have a breathing program. These are just a few examples. I don't always remember the lesson itself, but usually what it was about in its topic. These are very vivid and usually I don't know who is teaching the lesson to me.
A strange thing happened while sleeping on Sunday morning, a voice was in my head (I felt awake) and had a vision of a war from high above where soldiers were fighting (seemed like a video game), and this voice in my head was talking to my about a medical issue I have had, and said that all of these people had it as well, then, it says to me almost in a combative voice, "you and your blue flame". Then I snapped out of it. I am confused by the last one, but wanted to hear people's comments on the rest. Anyone else noticed that this type of thing is occurring more naturally and frequently?
Thank you.