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Presence Tryng To Peer Into My Mouth During Sleep


I had a "dream" or possibly something else lastnight when I felt like I was in my bed and I was facing the closest side of the bed (on my side). It felt like my head was perched up off the pillow almost being held by what appeared to be a faint image of what felt like a small girl/child, not really sure if she appeared scary to me, but I was panicking as she was holding me up by my chin and trying to look into my mouth or trying to go in or pull something out through my mouth with her mouth. Her mouth was not touching me but was probably 6 inches from my face. Again, it wasn't a solid image of this girl, more like a faint see-through "ghost" if you will.

I was afraid because my first thought was that she was trying to possess me (through my mouth apparently - maybe I saw a commercial for something that made me think this). I remember thinking to myself to project thoughts of asking Archangel Michael to protect me. Even when I did, she didn't stop.

I was only interested in thinking this as I was afraid to open my mouth for fear that she would do something to me.

I can't tell if this was just a nightmare, a bizarre thought that crept into my subconscious or something more.

Also, I know I felt fear but was not sure that I really should have. It's as though I couldn't decide if she was trying to help me or harm me.

I understand OBE and lucid dreaming, and I was very conscious of my thought during this process.

Was hoping to get someone's take on this. Do you feel I should be concerned here, or am I possibly only fearing the unknown situation?

All thoughts are always appreciated.

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RCT123 (6 stories) (16 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-22)
Additionally, I have tried to clear out my house of any negative energy (short of smudging with white sage - which I have purchased to do so) as a precaution and a good fresh start in a house I bought from a divorced couple to clear the remaining and any potentially negative energies/entities.
RCT123 (6 stories) (16 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-22)
Another person suggested that it was something trying to steal my energy to feed.
Could be.
I am not certain if I feel a presence around me but I get chills a lot. Mostly since I have begun to dive into the metaphysical world and learning more each day. I feel like the chills are my own creation though.
I have to say it kept me up at night when the other person suggested something was feeding off of me. I have since realized to ask my spirit guides and guardian angels including archangel michael for protection while I sleep. The neat thing about that is that I feel a sense of warmth when I do that, especially in my forehead. It really helps me get to sleep now.
Any input is appreciated so thank you very much!
Cattydee (12 stories) (161 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-20)
I definitely think it involves the paranormal and is more than just a dream. Look up dreaming of ghosts and see what it means. Have you ever felt a presence around you when you're awake?

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