Recently, I've been having some problems when sleeping, so maybe someone can help me understand what is going on. This has happened to me before, but lately it's happened much more often. Lying down to sleep, I suddenly wake up - I can't move. I can hear many voices talking, but I can't make out anything they are saying. It's like I'm sleeping, but I can see the room. I can see my boyfriend lying beside me, and sometimes (not all times) I see a dark figure standing at the foot of my bed. I try to move, but can't - I feel panic, and try to wake myself up. I then start breathing heavily and fast, and eventually I come out of it.
The last time it happened, I saw color- a dark orange. When I came out of it, I couldn't even remember how I gotten to that point. I didn't remember falling asleep. When looking at the clock, it had only been several minutes after I had laid down. The first time I remember this happening to me, I was at college, in my room. My roommate said she was going downstairs to get a calculator from a friend, and I was lying in my bed. The same experience happened (without the color). Upon waking from this, the same way, my roommate came back into the room, telling me she was only gone for five minutes or so.
What's going on? I feel like I panic because I don't know what's going on. Some have said sleep paralysis, but why do I hear and see things I can't explain? Another person told me I was experiencing astral projection, but I don't remember ever leaving my bed.
Help? Thanks <3