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Real Psychic Experiences

Strange Feelings While Reading Tarot


I'm 32 and I've been blessed with the 4 clair's, empathy and I am also a medium. I remembered my gift, in it's entirety, about 10 years ago. (Read LEAP YEAR DAY PISCES BORN WITH BLACK VEIL for full story) About 6 months after that, I started reading the tarot deck for part time income. Then, I stopped and continued to just read for family and some close friends. Fast forward 10 years...

Due to a series of unforeseen events (from July-for my family and I, I decided to find something I could do for extra income from our home, sometime in October. So, I started reading the tarot again. I never threw my old deck away. The thought actually never crossed my mind. (As a matter of fact, something was telling me to brush up on my reading abilities over the summer.)

So, anyway, I've been reading again now for almost 2 months. And recently, I've been getting these funny feelings while reading some of my clients. Sometimes it's just on my arms. Other times, it's my arms and legs. And DEFINITELY the top of my head (sometimes my neck, too). On my arms and legs, it almost feels like I'm cold but, I'm not. However, that doesn't stop goosebumps from popping up. Or the hairs from standing at attention. As far as my head and neck goes, it almost feels like energy. Or tingling. Or tingling energy? Rushing around or up? I don't know. It's kind of hard to explain it with words.

And sometimes, I feel it all at the same time or it'll start in on my legs move to my arms and then I'll feel it on my head. It doesn't feel bad. It feels like tingling energy? I really need to know if anyone has any idea as to what this feeling may be.

I don't feel scared. Or uncomfortable. It's actually a pretty awesome feeling. But wHAT is it? Alright, I'm going to stop rambling, now. I appreciate y'all taking the time out to read and/or respond. Love, Light & Happiness

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Kama_Sutra, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Anaelyssa (1 stories) (135 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-22)
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

If you want to consider meditation, here are some wonderful lectures on Yoga As well as a more practical discourse Especially chapter 5 Dharana might be worth reading for you.

Here's a set of basic exercises:

Just to bash meditation a bit, the term is very nebulous. What's the difference between sitting quietly thinking and meditation? Is just noticing your breathing considered meditation? I think perhaps the best simple description would be to think of one thing or set of things exclusively. So you don't just take a walk and notice your breath, you take a walk while noticing ONLY your breath and ignoring the wind, other people, and any stop signs you encounter. Thus, I'd recommend picking a circular track (or something else that would work according to your considerations).

Love is the law, love under will.
PathR (4 stories) (1274 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-22)
All of this is about using our own inner guidance
And wisdom.

Even carring a crystal that is set, as well as
Taking a walk, following our exhaling of Breath
Is meditation.

Kama_Sutra (2 stories) (13 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-18)
I'm sorry for responding so late, PathR. I've been researching everything you said to - and more. I mean I've been staying up until 1 or 2 in the AM re-searching and re-membering. I'm still not anywhere close to mediatating, but I guess I'll get there in due time. I've been feeling a REALLY strong pull towards meditation and crystals lately. Maybe I should try the crystals first and take them with me when I meditate... Hmmmm. What do you think PathR?
PathR (4 stories) (1274 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-16)
Kama Sutra, my Mother in Law was very gifted.
She had passed on in the 90's, but always had the
Gift of seight, knowing and seeing.
She used the Tea leaves as a tool from time to
Time. But was not limited to the Tea Leaves.
For she saw events before they happened.

The main point: in prepatory work used to clear the mind. In Zen it is refered to as emptiness.
But also being in the mind to open, and ask pointed

Find the right meditation, and relaxation techniques within daily life are a main Key.
When taking time with connecting with your guides.
They give signals of tingling? Energy bumps or hot
Cold. By making time to open to your guides 5-10 minutes a day. You can enlight yourself to be aware
Of their Que's.

Reading some books on channelling would be helpful,
But use your own inner knowing to identify meditation techniques are good and which are negative for yourself. As most sensatives have to use caution!

Also utilizing Dreams that have given you instruction
For opening and aligning are important.

Also look up cording and cutting cord at end of reading.

Creating a safe space using protection as well as opening and closing plus clear at end are important.

Good journey
Kama_Sutra (2 stories) (13 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-15)
Not much. I see things out the corner of my eye. And when I turn my head (no matter how fast) it's gone. I see pictures in my mind's eye. If something is around me, I know it's there because of a feeling or knowing. And then I'll see things in my mind's eye and hear things being told to me.
All of my gifts sort of work together. I'm still learning. I'd like to start meditating. But I don't know where to begin. And in all honesty - I'm afraid to see. I'm STILL not ready. Lmao! I don't know if that's part of my "plan" anyway. In some ways, sometimes I sense I've seen enough - so, I was giving all (or the majority) of the other gifts.
Getting back to your original statement on energy, I've come across something nasty once. And it could have been avoided - but I didn't listen to my guides (at least, that's who I think was warning me).
That was in the VERY beginning for me though, so, I've learned to listen. This is the only experience I have to compare to anything else I feel (unless one of my other gifts kick in to guide me) when I feel things as I read.
I think I am HEAVILY protected. But I don't know by whom or how many. There are definitely at least 3.
Anaelyssa (1 stories) (135 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-15)
Well... If you consider that the only thing that exists is energy and matter (and they're pretty much the same thing... E=mc^2) then...well, it certainly wasn't matter. I'm not sure exactly what it is (as I haven't yet found a similar description elsewhere). It could be angelic or some other type of energy.

Does your clairvoyance include seeing ghosts and angels? If so, then you would be in a better position than me to determine whether that sensation happens only when a certain type of being is near you. (Also remember, correlation does not imply causation).

Love is the law, love under will.
Kama_Sutra (2 stories) (13 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-15)
I've felt that before! That's ENERGY? NOT spirits/ghosts/angels? 😲
Anaelyssa (1 stories) (135 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-15)
Well, that "bathing" may explain some of the sensations. Perhaps the tingling is what you feel from the white light as it's guiding you.

By energy work, I mean things like making psi-balls or doing reiki. Moving energy through your body, sucking energy out of the atmosphere or an object, giving energy to someone or something. Basically, feeling and manipulating energy.

I can feel two different kinds of things. Firstly there's the humming that's easiest to feel in one's hands and feet. Secondly, when I'm listening to some music that really carries me away, there will very rarely be this spark-like/needle-prick-like energy or sensation that quickly moves across my body and disappears and is rather involuntary. Something similar is the sensation when one is hot and sweating really hard and suddenly you a feeling of coolness washes over you (because of the evaporating sweat).

As far as spirits and angels go, everything has its spirit. Every blade of grass has its own spirit, but the spirit of that field includes and supersedes all of them. Then there's the spirit of all fields and the spirit of all grass and the spirit of all living things, etc... Every card of a Tarot deck will have its own spirit with its own mood and character. From the description given in the invocation, HRU seems to be the angel set over ALL the Tarot. However, I have no direct experience of this and am simply speculating from available information. Should I ever get into ceremonial magick enough that I feel semi-confident, I'll surely go the astral plane and converse with him to ask his nature.

One curious system of angelic magick is the Enochian system. Http:// if you want to know more. It looks messy, but basically, each letter/square on a table is one minor spirit, and combinations of the letters give the names of the spirits that rule the lesser spirits.

Love is the law, love under will.
Kama_Sutra (2 stories) (13 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-15)
Anaelyssa - I actually already do something similar to this before I work with the tarot. And I don't just imagine the white light - I envision myself bathed in it. And it guides me. Along with several others! Lol
As far as the spirit or angel of a deck, this is the first time I've heard of something like that. (I'll be researching that further.)
And as far as energy work goes, I don't think so. What are you talking about specifically? And how is it done?
Anaelyssa (1 stories) (135 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-15)
I'm not sure if it's connected, but the instructions for the Opening of the Key Spread have this for a second step "Take the cards in your left hand. In the right hand hold the wand over them, and say: I invoke thee, I A O, that thou wilt send HRU, the great Angel that is set over the operations of this Secret Wisdom, to lay his hand invisibly upon these consecrated cards of art, that thereby we may obtain true knowledge of hidden things, to the glory of thine ineffable Name. Amen". You can find the original instructions at the bottom of this A good explanation of the spread can be found here

This is the method of divination that was used by the Golden Dawn. The GD is the occult organization that both Crowley and Waite belonged to and where they got their information about the Tarot. Honestly, when I first found this spread, I was stunned. I had thought that all spreads were simply laying out a pattern of cards with each position being assigned a certain significance.

What I wanted to say about energies was that you might be feeling the energy of the intelligence/spirit of the deck or of the angel that is set over the Tarot.

One way of exploring whether this is angelic energy would be to perform a Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram. It is a psychic clearing and consecrating of a space that (according to magickal instructions) should be done before any magickal operation. I remember that some tarot-reading instructions say to imagine white light filling the deck and asking that it tell only the truth. Part of the LBRP invokes the four archangels (which is your chance to feel if their energy is similar to what you're feeling). Btw, it's called "ritual" but it's really short, like 5-10 minutes maximum.

Should you be inclined to do it, here are a few links:

Also, have you tried doing any forms of energy work?

Love is the law, love under will.
Kama_Sutra (2 stories) (13 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-15)
Mysterious - I have to be honest, I don't only feel it when reading. Sometimes I feel it when I'm talking to someone or answering a question I have NO knowledge about. For some reason though, I feel like reading the tarot and the tingling are connected. Do you know how to "make it happen?" I'm trying to learn how to make it happen, so, I can tap into it while reading.
MysteriousConclude (3 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-14)
I've read off and on with Tarot with my family and friends. I've only owned to decks, it'll be three this Christmas. But, the deck I bought was a Native American Tarot Deck. And I'm sort of getting similar feelings with it that you are. It is almost like it doesn't match my energy kind of feel. It seems all tingly until I've used it for about forty minutes. It seems just very awkward. My first deck wasn't like that. So I feel you.
Kama_Sutra (2 stories) (13 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-14)
Anaelyssa - WOW! That's some pretty heavy reading. I'll be looking deeper into this, now. 😉
Kama_Sutra (2 stories) (13 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-14)
Angiebaby - Thank you for responding! Do you know how to tap into it or make it happen?
Anaelyssa (1 stories) (135 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-13)
Kama_Sutra, according to what I've read about the Lovers card, it's correct meaning is based on the Cain and Abel story (and not the garbled one in the Bible either). Thus, the correct naming of the card is "The Brothers". Its astrological attribution is Gemini. To see where I'm coming from, read the section on this card here: (You were probably implying the Adam and Eve story though).

The Blasted Tower aka The House of God aka War may or may not be connected to the Tower of Babel. I see it as a rather hopeful card. It is the destruction of the old order in preparation for the new. The walls of the egg must shatter before the chick can come out. If the walls stay closed, the chick suffocates and dies.

Perhaps the difference in our opinions comes from the difference in the decks we use. I hear that Waite was in a super-Christian mode when he did his cards. The Last Judgement card of the Rider-Waite is obviously about the guy in a nightgown coming down from the clouds and calling up his horde of zombies from under the earth (aka Jesus). Now please note that I have not read the Bible and I am not Christian and Jesus was probably a nice Jewish lad (if he ever existed), but the whole Evangelical literal zombies and literal burning hell has always stricken me as incredible nonsense.

For a discussion on why to love the Thoth, please read

To go a bit more on symbolism... I think you were trying to agree with me and say that the Tarot is based on many things. There is also a bunch of Egyptian and Greek mythology (at least in the Thoth) as well as other things mixed in (the Book of Thoth goes into detail about where each symbol comes from). Crowley also mixed in his own Thelemic system. In fact, he crammed as much of his knowledge into the Thoth as can be crammed into a pack of 78 cards.

Also, Thoth images are actually art.

I love the Thoth and can go on and on about it.

Love is the law, love under will.
Angiebaby (2 stories) (12 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-13)
My guess from my own experience as well as some of my friends who share the same sort of qualities is an energy sense of intuitive knowing. I call it ' truth' sometimes, as I often get exactly what you describe and more when I myself have intuitive knowing knowledge. Since you are doing a reading- I would guess that you are connecting to 'divine energy' and that your read is most likely spot on. You may want to look up chakras- especially the crown chakra.
Kama_Sutra (2 stories) (13 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-13)
Thanks for sharing, Tyler. Glad to know I'm not the only one. 😉
Kama_Sutra (2 stories) (13 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-13)
Anaelyssa - I'm SO sorry! I though I responded to your second post. The tarot is also based on the bible. The Tower card is VERY reminiscent of The tower of Babylon, don't you think? And who do you suppose the Lovers were depicted after?
Tyler86 (3 stories) (41 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-13)
I receive these same feelings. There are times when I experience these sensations back to back and can last for a couple minutes. To me, it is a sign of healing, clearing of old blockages and represents the raising of vibrations. It is def. A harmonious experience none the less, as I have felt nothing that compares to this ever before in my life. Praise these sensations, as they don't happen to everyone. I wish you luck along your path. May you never remember to never fray far from the light.:)
Kama_Sutra (2 stories) (13 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-12)
Do you know what I am feeling, PathR? I think I know what it is or means, but I'd like several opinions on this. And I'm really not sure. Somebody? PLEASE? 😕
Anaelyssa (1 stories) (135 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-12)
I am not confident enough to read professionally. I don't have much practice reading (although I've done it a bit for myself) and I prefer to study the cards and puzzle out their meanings. For example, I had a mini-revelation pertaining to the Lovers card.

Since you read Rider-Waite, did you know the origins of the cards? All the cards have astrological and kabbalistic attributions. Thoth is in fact a close cousin (and possibly arch-rival) of Rider-Waite. Try reading some of this book and see how much of what is said pertains to the Waite cards as well.

This book is where both Rider-Waite and Thoth draw imagery for the cards.
Kama_Sutra (2 stories) (13 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-12)
Thank you, PathR. I will look the book up. Anaelyssa, I'm using the Rider-Waite deck. I've been thinking about switching to Angel Cards. And it's funny you mention HOW some use the tarot. When I started, I used to read the pictures. Now, the pictures/cards are more of a key for me to open the door to a client's situations. I think I just noticed I was doing that last week! Today, I actually caught myself just staring off into space while reading.
Do you read as well, Ana?
Anaelyssa (1 stories) (135 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-12)
The energy you feel can be explained by the fact that the Tarot can be a tool to tune into the universal energy and information. I've heard of people who read not really by the cards, but use the cards as a starting point for an intuitive flood of information.

I am curious to know which deck you're using. I'm personally a Thoth fanatic.

This website is a great tarot resource Perhaps the forums there may have an answer to your question.

Love is the law, love under will.
PathR (4 stories) (1274 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-12)
Ted Andrews book: The Intercession of spirits
He speaks about elemental energies which is
Close to Celtic lore.
These energies support humans and also help with
Clarification with supporting people on a spiritual
Level. Healing is not limited to energy, it can be
Communication, words that bring truth and enlightment,
As well as closure with the past, or an opening to the future.

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