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Clairvoyant: Something To Consider


My experience with Clairvoyance has taken me wide and far. I have dealt with this ability since I was five. I found Psychic-Experiences when I was twelve, and found some answers to understand what happened and why. I have grown with Clairvoyance and a bold sense to know that I have witnessed what others could not explain. I have been stuck in the same boat with others which might not even know it yet. I personally understand the shock and awe of what Clairvoyance has to offer. And I would like to help others understand that this is a part of living. Sometimes we need to sacrifice a piece of ourselves to bring a bigger part of understand back.

I found a way to deal with the horrifying aspects of what I have seen. I learned that I have a spiritual guide who I named Catherine. Catherine helped me understand what I wish I had more time to explain about the unknown. The unknown was something I feared the most, but I learned that not everything was evil about the unknown.

Catherine and I have mentioned and joked around about using comics to teach and clarify what others can learn from a psychics' perspective is maybe the only way people could learn. We have a place for people who have been affected by these experiences to go, but will everyone else really get to understand? This article is to help you understand that we know what you are going through as a community. I have learned personally from the community that nothing is permanent unless it is done by your own actions. Our actions can affect what could happen to others.

I learned this the hard way; a terrifying chapter in my life was still left unturned. Two-years ago I had a vision of a car accident with me being in the driver's seat. I could see the details of the crash such as the color of the car that hit me, the scenery of the streets, sounds, and a glimpse of the driver. That vision seemed like a long shot since I did not own a car and there was no way I would want to drive. (I am not comfortable to release to much detail.)

Near the end of this year the accident happened in the same exact order I have seen it happen. The car slammed into my door, it was not the only thing which could have killed me or someone else is best to say. By ignoring that vision I held a high risk that could have killed me, but worst of all someone else. I was reckless to believe that it couldn't happen. It worries me to know that happened, other things that I have seen are still in store to come true. Nothing that should concern you, I have only had visions that have affected me and others that I don't know yet.

This experience was a wake up call, it prevented a worse dilemma from possibly developing, but what is there we can do about it? Plenty of things, these gifts were given to us for a reason. I have begun to lose perception of my visions and I have not been able to see or hear. I know I have seen these things before from my experiences and being able to talk to Catherine. I have not made much of an effort to try and develop my ability. Mostly since the horrifying things I have seen before has worried me. I am not sure if continuing to attempt to reach the unknown is a good idea

My last confrontation with a spiritual being was in July this year. Catherine and I were home alone until a bright being came into the room. The presence of the being could be felt. The being had a loud voice which named me as a waste of time and asked Catherine why would anyone want to waste their time and resource with me? It would be best to cut her losses, but she saw something in me that I could not see. I believe by me sharing some of my experiences and offering my help for others, then I can help others to make a difference.

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Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, cyopathic, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

vergil117 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-12-06)
yes, your guide is very special because she stays with you. I am happy that you have such a good relationship. But don't let some other spirit try to take her away from you. You two are friends, and that cannot change.
cyopathic (5 stories) (513 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-05)
[at] Myniche30 I would not call it being paranoid, I understand that you might just be protective. We can't just trust someone because they say so. Not everything is in black and white in the world today. I hope everything goes well for you and I highly appreciate your comments. 😁
myniche30 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-12-05)
I am glad you are ok from the accident. It is scary to vision that and not sure what to make up of it. It's cool that Catherine believes in you and stands by you. I tend to get dreams of people I am about to engage in relationships with. I usually ignore them and try to shake it off. However, I am worried that I get too paranoid.
PatrixieKuchiki (guest)
12 years ago (2012-12-05)
How right! Keep up the mindset, my friend.You'll be able to help a LOT.❤
cyopathic (5 stories) (513 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-05)
Will do Patrixie, I just hope we all can learn from this. Truth is universal language with a great lesson. Truth unites us to pursue the better nature and often gives us a lesson to learn from it.
PatrixieKuchiki (guest)
12 years ago (2012-12-05)
Ah,this is what makes up this community:people eager to share their experiences to not only help others learn but for themselves to as well!😁
[at] cyopathic Continue shedding light to the other clairvoyants here who are having trouble with their abilities and all.I'm not that much clairvoyant because I'm more of clairsentient, but I do appreciate your efforts in paving the way for knowledge.
As Archangel Michael's telling me just now,"For with knowledge the truth will come, and Truth is the Universal Knowledge every being of flesh should take hold of."
AA Michael also wants to relay to you that,"With these kind of efforts, all of you would be able to walk, difficulties and thorns in the path gradually decreasing. Light and Love, I share with all of you to also impart to others."
Keep on helping people,'kay?❤
cyopathic (5 stories) (513 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-05)
Thank you, Vergil. The spirit who was the bright light was a "higher up" to Catherine. I sent you a E-mail not to long ago.
vergil117 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-12-05)
thank you so much for sharing your experience with me. I know myself I have had similar incidents. I experience Deja' Vu a lot. And I can sometimes get images of spirits. Your spirit guide is a great soul to stay with you. She saw something in you, that no one else did. That spirit that said those mean things about you, most likely is a negative spirit, who appeared as a light being. Trying to take her away from you. I don't know though. But if you need someone to talk to, I'm here. Just send me an email from my profile page on here.:)

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