My name is Alison. I have been dealing with strange experiences for a few years now but I have only just started to get into tune with them. This is the list of things I can do and maybe please can somebody advice me or guide me on what 2 do next?
. I can make my hands go red hot to touch at will
. I can heal animals and people in some kind of way
. I can feel strong energies around me (spirits)
. When I meditate I think my third eye is open as I saw a buddah monkey? Sounds strange I no but its tru.
. I told 2 dogs to sit and stay calm in my head and they did... Only happened once tho.
. I can feel and see the earth breathing
. I feel so aware as if I have a mission on this planet and that I have some kind of powers
. I can feel the chi rushing through my veins at times
There are more bits and bobs but mostly all of what happens 2 me is on and off.
The main question I would like answering is what is happening 2 me and how can I develop it without being fearfull?
I am absolutley petrified of ghosts and what not, I surround myself with white light all the time and pray everyday for protection. But I can't help but feel I'm still vunerable? I don't no if its my fear kicking in but its almost makes me feel uneasy and scared whenever I feel something? Please please please can somebody tell me how to deal with it and how to overcome the fear of the unknown? And how can I tell whatever I am feeling is good or bad. Do bad spirits torment you for no reason and because of my powers am I a target for negative energies? Please help I would really appriciate it xxx