This is another few 'experiences' I've had in the past few months: A few months ago I went upstairs to the bathroom. I was standing staring out the window when all of a sudden I'm saying this weird chant. My arms lifted from my sides and the ground covered in a greenish mist. It was so strange. All I remember of what I was saying is that I was demanding to know what was happening to me (I've been seeing and hearing things in my house. Check my other story)
After I was done my chanting, my arms dropped to my side and the mist was gone. I've had that happen to me again about a week later in my kitchen.
The most recent 'experience' (when I say recent I mean yesterday) and most... Well, frightening is about my dog. It was the day after my birthday and I was at a friends house when my friends mom told me that I was going to be picked up by a driver because my mom couldn't. She also said that my mom sounded quite upset. At first I thought someone had gotten into a car accident, but when I was in the car with my brother; my dog popped into my mind. I thought "Oh my God. She died..." It was stupid I thought.
My dog died. Her operation failed.
I'm always getting Deja Vu of conversations, pictures, and so on. This is all confusing and frightening. I want it to stop.