Iv actually already done multiple storie. I found out
I was pyschic at the age of 13. I can see spirits an feel emotions
I am know as a empath. I am now 20 and my ability is more
Stronger. I have at times where I can prodict what will happen, I can feel the good or bad vibes of a person an be able to avoid certain situations. I came to share my story because I don't know what it means,
I live next door to a funeral home and everytime there's a funeral either the day
Before or after I have dreams about a spirit or they show up to my
Home of course I'm the only one who can see them. I really don't know what they need or why they keep haunting my dreams but I need advice what do I do in these situations? Every night I wake up at 345 am. What message could they be telling me about?I'm use to always seeing spirits, a man in black has already appeared in my living room, iv seen my roommates boyfriends grandpa and a little boy but they have never appeared in my dreams. My dreams at times give me hints of what will happen in certain days, kind of like messages but with all these spirits I don't really have any idea who these people are. Do they want me to send out a message? I still have a slight fear of spirits because at times I have met bad spirits but I can never let myself stay asleep for the whole dream. I'm just a bit tired of all the fear and confusion I have. I just want to know if there's any hidden measage to thhere visit or not. Any ideas will help or advice...
Love & Light