I've always been quite hesitant to accept the fact that I was psychic, which was due to a very strict Christian upbringing, but deep down I've always known. Ever since I was 4 years old, I've always been able to tell when something was going to happen.
Since I lost my faith and started becoming more Spiritual rather than 'Religious', I have chosen to embrace my Psychic Abilities which in turn have grown and developed and continue to do so everyday.
Recently I had a dream where I was in my dorm and this girl picked up my owl clock necklace. I registered in the dream that I owned this item in real life so it was something that I was familiar with. After opening the wings of the owl I took note that the hands on the clock pointed to 2:30pm.
When I woke up, I felt strange almost as if I could sense that something had changed, but I had no idea what. I found it was strange that I had dreamt of that particular piece of jewellery especially since the last time I had worn it was a year ago and that it had just been placed in my jewellery box and not been used.
Something inside me told me to check on it, which I delayed doing so for a while until I had Googled about dream meanings. Which I do pretty much every morning after I wake up. Since I've been trying to understand my dreams, I have been growing a lot Spiritually.
When I finally did check on it I opened the wings only to see that the hands were pointed at the exact same position as the hands in my dream. The clocks hands pointed to 2:30pm!
I was shocked but this has definitely reassured me to keep on trusting my abilities and to develop them more.